The world in Lockdown 100 years after Rev. Moon's birth
By YuliUTS / CIG News
In these last days we see more and more dangers in this world, and we warry of what will be the outcome. But I remember Father Moon telling us, "Don't worry, for God has a plan". After 2012 we live in the age of God's victory, and his complete authority.
And I hear top Generals saying, that these are military operations, and we are healing the earth from the century-long satanic grip. We are cutting it out. It's a high precision operations, on multiple levels, hidden behind the Lockdowns.
"We are witnessing the overthrow of an ancient control system involving murder, lies, bribery, treachery, treason, Satanic ritual abuse, sacrifice and horrors of evil that surpass the imagination of all but the most wicked beings to ever exist." The White Hats
To fully grasp what Rev. Moon was fighting against and what the real liberation of God's Heart means, you have to see this documentary Sequal: THE CABAL - PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 4. Few of the presidents and US generals that Father Moon strongly supported and deeply admired, like Pres. Reagen and General McCarter were part of the secret Q-Movement (1) dedicated to put the end to this Satanic Cabal controlling the earth. Now, through Trump, they finally got the chance to legally eradicate completely this satanic system of control (the whole financial and media octopod). It's time for God's complete victory, descending exactly 100 years after the birth of the Lord of the Second Advent.
"For Donald Trump to announce that... he is going to end the 25 million people being trafficked. This is a huge statement." The International Tribunal for Natural Justice
"The world will try to stop these changes one way or another, but Heaven is determined to bring about these changes." The Completed Testament Age
2. The Banking Cartel is now in process of dismantling (Fed Reserve Nationalized)
3. Underground facilities with drugs, kidnapped children (All over the world being liberated)
4. Tesla's technology for free energy and free heat (Developed, declassified - coming)
Nothing POLITICAL into saying that True Parents' spiritual foundation is bringing the physical collapse of the Satanic Sovereignty. Not only the US is involved. This reset involves the whole world. However, some of the changes in US are of crucial importance for the rest of the world. See, THE TRUE MEANING OF THE MESSIAH
There are several fractions of good guys fighting to end the evil history and start the new world now, after this global lockdown. We see Trump backed up by the Military Q Intelligence (Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) created by JFK to fight the Deep State) and the newly created US Space Force, created to guaranty that the future will hold no wars. And here is their own response about the Lockdown:
"We are in the process of taking down some very evil people. It's not just the virus, but we are expecting other ancillaries. They have those psychos... mass-shutters etc. Just stay save. We cannot reveal much now." Austin Steinbart, DIA and Space Force
Instead, now - 100 years later, humanity will see the end of their evil structures. When JFK was assassinated by the Cabal, more than 200 military generals said, "Enough is enough!". Q has infiltrated all the Cabal structures. Many from the Satanic club already wanted to get free and were ready to expose it. This is how we come to the plan to use the cover of the Coronavirus to instead behead all this satanic control at once. It is a worldwide military and intelligence operation, very carefully executed. It is a "Controlled Demolition."
Silent Mass Arrests and Executions
Crimes against humanity call for death. Trump signed an Executive Order calling for the death penalty for anyone involved in crimes against humanity or treason. These famous people arrested in 2020 are to be given a tribunal and sentenced to execution or life in prison. (5) If the arrested were taking orders from the cabal and carrying out those orders, that is treason. We will find out next year in 2021 when the arrests and executions of famous people is released.
"Barr orders legal action against governors whose COVID-19 actions infringe on civil rights" The Washington Times
I know it's hard to some but the evil is real. See what they were involved in to grasp why they are being arrested and executed by the Military Tribunal (Bill Gates, Soros, Clinton, Biden, Merkel, Royal lineage, The Pope, Hollywood stars and singers, etc). How long it will take to open that gently to the public? Sources tell us, it should be over till the Fall of 2021. The disclosures are now starting with Maxwell.
179,000 enclosed indictments have led to the mass arrests, executions, those at Gitmo (awaiting trial), life imprisonment and house arrest! This is just the beginning, the deep state are at every level in EVERY COUNTRY of our society, royals, politicians, banks, big tech & top corporations, celebrities, actors, actresses, musicians, police, judges, social services, schools, churches, doctors, nurses, big pharmacists, vaccine pushers, etc. Each indictment can contain numerous names, so we are talking about few million people. Here is how they hide that so many famous people disappeared recently (3).
Who else is among the good guys? We see also the White Hats, and even some Dragon Families (the White Dragon, the Red Dragon), the new King of England - the expelled royal lineages and a number of secret groups that now claim they were fighting the evil for centuries. And this is the shortest intelligence explanation on how the world was controlled.
If we want to see what the future will be, it's good to hear their insight and world-views, and how they compare to our Unificationist view. To build God's Ideal on Earth (CIG), we would have to cooperate with them and the many other good forces helping in that transition.
Rothschild's Empire of Satanic Control
In fact, the new King of England, claims the title of Christ and reveals the truth about the false Royal Family - Rothschild’s Empire. Rothschild had the breeding rights to the British Royal Family for the last 200 years. That's why they were involved in drug and child trafficking, as well as numerous other crimes against humanity. The Satanic control was growing and invading royal lineages, politicians, media, pharma-medicine, education - all through the false Banking Control and its numerous secret organizations, all linked to pedophilia and satanic blood rituals. See, Pizza Gate - high ranking politicians and Hollywood celebrities involved in a vast satanic, child trafficking ring.
As I was just watching on TV, the shocking 6000 graves of children who died under the Catholic Nuns. From one million kidnapped children a year, the number grew up to nearly 8 million annually. The images of these small kids' sexual abuse and ritual murders are horrifying. To know that the world elite was involved and covering for all that shows you the need for this global cleaning operation, held silently under the cover of this pandemic lockdown.
To understand what is the evil we are fighting with (the actual expression of Satan's control of the earth) please see Robert David Steele on Zionism, the Middle East and Central Banks and What Trump's About To Do Is SHOCKING!
Now the United States is fighting a desperate battle for liberation after being slowly enslaved for the past 200 years. The process is ongoing. Much of the leadership of the Khazar mafia in the United States has been killed or arrested.
However, military intelligence estimates that there is about a million-strong Khazar mafia ruling the United States. They pretend to be Jews, Muslims, Christians, etc., but they worship Satan. They are currently fighting for their lives. Antifa and Black Life and similar activists involved in riots and sabotage are Khazar agents or their deluded.
These people must be neutralized if the United States is to free itself from the system of Babylonian debt slavery controlled by the Khazar Satanists.
"The main strongholds to be captured are the corporate media, the pharmaceutical industry, high-tech monopolies, mega-banks, the political elite in Washington, the health bureaucracy, and many energy companies." Benjamin Fulford
Unrooting Satans History
Satan's Sovereignty is Now Transiting into God's World
If you are enough intelligent, by now you should have understood that this lockdown ain't because of a virus, but because of the collapse of the Satanic sovereignty controlling the world, and the efforts to peacefully reboot the whole system, transiting to a new and much healthier system of world governance. That includes the collapse of the Rothchild Banking Cartel and the existing dysfunctional economic and political system.
To be able to make sense of the external, chaotic events, you should know who are the players behind? What are their aims and strategy? Who is winning? Let us shortly glimpse into the Satanic side and their plans.
Here was the original Scenario of the Rockefeller Foundation for a Totalitarian Future achieved through the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic. No wonder they own the patent of the Virus, produced in their own network of bio-labs for biological weapons. Frontpersons like Bill Gates and Soros are only ponds in their game for Controlling the World.
Who are the forces fighting to prevent this evil plan? If you still think that this is about Trump or some other figure, you know nothing. But if you know about the good forces behind him and their century-long secret fight to end the Satanic control, you will be closer to the true scale of the situation. See, THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD: GOD'S VICTOrY IS AT HAND. And yes, this is the final war between good and evil. I will try to keep you updated on the status of its development.
1. Federal Reserve and all National and Central Banks were removed from the hands of the few private owners controlling the world and restored to the nations. Thus, once the system is rebooted in the next few months, the process of awakening will start. See, FINANCIAL RESET - ENDING THE BANKING CARTEL. Depending on how fast that happens, the process may continue from a year up to 3 years.
2. Stay home is needed for the safety of the people, not because of a virus, but because of the real threat of biological, electromagnetic and other forms of counter-attacks, implemented by the collapsing Satanic Cabal.
To know what exactly we are fighting: See how US won the Vietnam War, but the Cabal changed that. See the reality of Satanism and their agenda for world domination.
The Final War Between Good and Evil
Transition of humanity to higher vibrations of love and super-spirituality
The system of world governance was a matrix of absolute control of a small group of people (about 6,000) ruling the world under Lucifer's direct guidance and protection. All agencies: the police, the military, intelligence, the law - are designed to protect their wealth. The billions of people around the world who could clear up this tyranny in a bit are too scared to do so. They are kept in utter ignorance of how the world was being ruled. But now LUCIFER has stepped dowN and the whole house of cards under him is collapsing.
Now people are finding out that organizations like, Antifa, Al-Qaida, and ISUS are all financed by the same people. The people who create a false opposition. To grasp why they created this Pandemic, and how much they are ready to give to get rid of Trump, please read this:
"Bloomberg spent $500 million on ads. He could have given... could be life-changing for most people. Yet he wasted it all on ads and still lost." (1)It's not about money for them. It's about keeping humanity in its slavery position. They know clearly that once in power, Trump will end their Satanic control. They are the invisible enemy he is fighting. Their satanic practices (Pizza-gate) of pedophilia, ritual killings and blood-drinking are now exposed by Trump's actions. See the documentary, The end of the World as we Know it: The Fall of the Cabal
"They are using the fake pandemic, riots and all, just to keep in power. But they are doomed. They mismanaged the economy so badly, so they need to be removed." (2)Benjamin Fulford wrote, "The bloodline families are now forced to fight Trump with a virtual Obama." That's because the real one seems to be imprisoned for his crimes against humanity, together with Clintons, Sorus, Bill Gates and many others. Big part of the corrupt US politicians are undergoing Military Tribunal undisclosed procedures. As we wrote before, US now in a declared war situation, allowing these operations to be kept secret with the purpose of avoiding riots and unnecessary casualties. See, A Global Purge in Time of Liberating Key Evil Spirits
"What you're seeing is, these families fighting to stay in power. Apparently, Obama and Hilary Clinton are cousins and are all related to the rulling family, including Hitler. What we see, the bloodline rulers; they change their names, and try to pretend they are from the people, fighting in desperate action to stay in power." (2)What we see is a systemic collapse. (See, Storms of Change) But what we need is a coherent plan for the reboot and rebuilding the world's infrastructure. "After this Banking Cartel bankruptcy, there is going to be a full scale restructure. But we need some dramatic start off. We need a complete write off of all depth. We need all of the assets that were stolen, by the Central Banking System through fraud, to be returned to the people. That's why you have to realize that we are in the midst of a Secret Financial War.
You need a big kickstart," says Fulford. And having free internet directly from the sky will be part of this change, Austin Steinbart explained. Anywhere in the world, people will have access to free Wi-Fi. Quantum internet will be the next step. With the time is becoming clear that The US Space Force is using Trump and Musk for Bringing the AI Revolution.
While in LOVE we ourselves are in a higher dimension (related to the good spirit world) where no evil can harm us, for there is no common base. Here are the facts showing you that God is winning. Please don't be asleep, missing to recognize this historic moment and expect some surprises on the way. (2)
Did you know about THE TESLA-TRUMP-MOON CONNECTION - the NEW YORKER HOTEL ? Watch The Real Motive Behind BLM and Soros Color Revolution to see the far Left Agenda. Let's restore our countries and the whole world back to God. GOD WINS
Hollywood's Institutionalized Pedophilia
Mel Gibson has spoken directly on the subject of pedophilia in Hollywood:
I don’t know how to break it to you gently.… Hollywood is institutionalized pedophilia. They are using and abusing kids.Their spiritual beliefs... to harvest the energy of the kids. They feast on this stuff and they thrive on it. This isn’t some kind of artistic abstraction. They harvest the blood of children. They eat their flesh. They believe this gives them life force. If the child was suffering in body and psyche before it died, they believe this gives them extra life force.There is a creative and loving force inside most of us that guides us through life. These people don’t have this. For them it’s the opposite.Hollywood is drenched in the blood of innocent children. For a long time all the references to pedophilia and cannibalism were symbolic or allusive. But I was personally introduced to the practice in the early 2000s. The blood of a sexually abused infant is considered highly ‘enriched’ and is highly prized.

by Morpheus 78
If we arrest every pedophile traitor, and just disclose all of their crimes against humanity in ONE BANG, and if we rip out every single Satanic transnational corporation from the fabric of our nation in one felt swoop, overnight MILLIONS WOULD LOSE THEIR JOBS.
More than 12,000 CEO's have already QUIETLY STEPPED DOWN since 2017. At the same time, those companies have been allowed to operate for the simple fact that so many other businesses, products, and services are tied directly to their large companies...
QMAP: Resignations of executives and politicians
Why are so many CEOs & politicians resigning? See the global list of notable executive and political resignations. (https://qmap.pub/resignations)
Shutting down these companies would devastate local and state economies, disrupting food chain supply and other critical infrastructure that keeps countries running. In other words, we would be HURTING OURSELVES.
If you ask when the mass-arrests are going to happen, YOU'RE TOO LATE. The arrests have been happening since President Trump's executive order in December of 2017
We just did not know until Q began to give us bits and pieces of these clues to help us understand the breathtaking awesome global scope of THE PLAN. Just these high-profile public arrests may not have been broadcast yet.
But to say that 12,000 Luciferian pedophile CEO's and government officials being quietly arrested is not important or significant outright denies the massive global work of justice that has already happpened.
All of this has been done with the express purpose of keeping our country running while this massive global transfer of power continues. It has been done this way to maintain a semblance of order during such a once-in-a-lifetime ground-breaking global justice-operation...
Many want to see Obama, Soros, Hillary, Bush, and the rest of these pedophile monsters arrested, but we must understand that many of the CEO's that funded their vile human trafficking operations HAVE BEEN ARRESTED.
You have to remove the money from these criminal global gangsters first, seize their assets, and make it extremely difficult for the public figures such as Hillary, Obama, and Soros to operate. They are now operating under a tremendous amount of duress.
They're now feeling the squeeze. Everything they do now is under heightened scrutiny. Their social media is getting bombarded by millions of digital soldiers who are exposing their crimes and making THEIR TURF, THEIR DIGITAL SPACE, OUR TURF, OUR BATTLEGROUND...
All Q has to do is post a social media link from one of these Satanists and the flood of truth comes from us.
Q-team is doing it wisely, in phases, and some of it very privately, so as to not cause any more panic in America. Now we can see the jackals in the media currently fomenting their race-baiting narrative.
There are too many of these globalist scum all over the world to do such a foolish thing as mass-arresting them all AT ONE TIME. Entire national and international economies would be devastated as these conglomerates have embedded their roots in many parts of the world. It would also close out other businesses who are connected to these companies, who profit off of them.
When you've researched so much of their Satanic crimes, infrastructure, and occult practices, you can't help but want to see every one of these bastards hang or fry...
TRUST THE PLAN, trust the fact that those who are executing this PLAN are doing it with OUR CHILDREN, OUR FAMILIES, OUR CAREERS, OUR FUTURE and the COLLECTIVE FUTURE OF THE PLANET in mind.
When we look at things from that perspective, from the bird's eye point of view, from the mountain, then and only then can we truly TRUST THE PLAN.
If the public were to learn in full detail about the breathtaking amount of Satanic Ritual Sacrifice and long-term institutional child trafficking being supplied to Epstein by a corporation like Disney, they would not recover. That is why many of these resignations were secret.
So, we the people have been unknowingly dependent on them for our livelihoods to the point we go down if they go down?
When you are removing a large tree that has very deep roots in the foundation of a forest you must be careful because that large tree may have roots connected to many smaller trees. These people have controlled the world for 6000 years. We cannot forget that. Their roots go deep.
How can you have NESARA implementation without first removing the old Illuminati banking guard that has controlled financial institutions for 6000 years?
Our concerns as parents are the mandatory vax’s and ID/tracing/etc. The medical part of all this scares me the most. But that’s been already taken care of. Trump and Bill Barr have spoken out against the tracing ID in Gate’s vaccines. At this rate of success, the vaccine will be useless. https://www.bitchute.com/video/4gf2tnKKc822/
History: Sun Myung Moon and the End of Soviet Communism
Rush to History: Sun Myung Moon and the End of Soviet Communism
Thomas J. Ward and Frederick A. Swarts
In two dizzying years the world witnessed the epic dissolution of the Soviet empire, beginning with Solidarity's victory in Poland on June 4, 1989, punctuated by the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989 and culminating with the implosion of the Soviet Union itself December 25, 1991. The sudden collapse caught most by surprise: the working hypothesis held that communism would remain a dominant fixture in the world order. Those committed to ending the communist threat were themselves unprepared for the precipitous nature of its demise.
Since the conclusion of the Cold War, the rush has been on among scholars, analysts, and pundits to identify the key personalities and factors which contributed to the Soviet empire's disintegration. Competing theories abound, with fundamental roles having been ascribed to Ronald Reagan, Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev, Norman Podhoretz, Alexander Solzhenitzen and Sidney Hook, as well as to freedom fighters, refuseniks and populist forces such as Solidarity. Some, in their interpretation of the various developments, have opted to depersonalize the process, crediting phenomena such as evolving patterns of economic development, or the information revolution.
Lacunae in the postmortem literature on communism's collapse have already begun to be noted. Nevertheless, despite voluminous analysis and commentary, omissions still need to be addressed. Our intent in this article is to point out one particularly salient case. During the Cold War, Korean religious leader Sun Myung Moon and the various organizations which he founded appear frequently and conspicuously in numerous and diverse facets of the war against communism. Literally billions of dollars and a plethora of organizations and activities committed to winning the Cold War can be traced to the initiatives of Rev. Moon. These activities comprised a broad spectrum which spanned the domains of politics, religion, the media, academia, and grassroots activism. Yet, for whatever reason, Rev. Moon has been disregarded in the existing histories purporting to identify contributors to the fall of Soviet communism, whereas other less prominent actors often appear center stage.
Among the recent contributions to the postmortem literature is Richard Gid Powers' Not Without Honor (1995), which professes to be "The History of American Anticommunism." This 554-page opus of names and organizations omits all of the American entities associated with Rev. Moon, and their involvement in opposing communism throughout the 1970's and 80's. In the 672 pages of On the Brink: The Dramatic Behind the Scenes Saga of the Reagan Era and the Men and Women who Won the Cold War (1996), Jay Winik did record a brief mention of one Rev. Moon-related organization, The Washington Times, but only in noting its early reporting on the unfolding story of Iran Contra.
Likewise representative is an article by Wesleyan professor Peter Rutland in The National Interest. Critical of sovietologists' failure to accurately forecast the Soviet Union's fall, Rutland did single out one foreign policy specialist (Zbigniew Brzezinski) and one edited volume of essays for "showing extraordinary prescience about the Soviet political system" and "pride of place for a precognition of the events of 1989-1991." The essays to which Rutland referred were the proceedings from a conference entitled "The Fall of the Soviet Empire," held in 1985 in Geneva by the Professors World Peace Academy, an organization founded by Rev. Moon. Rutland asserted:
It is hard to believe that the Moonies got it right when the CIA, Brookings, RAND, Harvard, Columbia and the rest got it wrong, but I would urge skeptics to read the book.
Rutland goes on to point out, however, that none of the contributing authors were members of the Unification Church, ostensibly having failed to uncover that the conference's theme of the imminent demise of the Soviet empire was developed in consultation with Rev. Moon, who stood firm on that title in spite of subsequent objections by some of the conference conveners. Rutland's seemingly presumptive dismissal of Rev. Moon and the Unification Church could also explain his failure to consider Rev. Moon's history of public prognoses, documented from at least the early 1970s, that fundamental flaws in the Marxist-Leninist ideology would lead to the collapse of the Soviet bloc by the end of the 1980s.
Why have historians omitted Rev. Moon's role in opposing communism during the Cold War? Given the far-reaching size of the effort and its extensive coverage by the major print and broadcast media of the time, a serious scholar could hardly claim complete unfamiliarity with Rev. Moon's involvement during the Cold War. It is possible, of course, that some historians failed to grasp the totality of the effort, given the many, diverse organizations involved. On the other hand, some historians may well have chosen to prejudicially ignore the literature given the controversial subject, or deigned to distance themselves from what they may have assumed to be insincere self-promotion. Rev. Moon and his organizations may also have been summarily dismissed as inconsequential to the battle against communism. Whatever the motivation for leaving out Rev. Moon's historic role, the consequence is that students of history have not yet been afforded a more in-depth analysis of what research reveals to be rather striking activities during the Cold War.
In this article, we do not pretend to provide an all-encompassing elaboration of Rev. Moon's efforts against communism. Nevertheless, we will review certain pivotal initiatives and, where appropriate, indicate the ways in which they impacted upon the Cold War. We will begin with initiatives in the media, notably The Washington Times; then turn to efforts at ideological education; and finally treat Rev. Moon's direct contacts with communist leaders.
1. Building a Media Network
Ronald Reagan holding a copy of the News World, which predicted Reagan's landslide victory on Election Day morning, November 4, 1980
Certain policies pursued by President Ronald Reagan in his efforts to end the Cold War stalemate met opposition and derision in the establishment media. The President's effort to follow through on President Jimmy Carter's commitment to deploy ground-launched cruise missiles and Pershing II intermediate range missiles in Western Europe resulted in media criticism and a storm of protests in both America and Europe. President Reagan's advocacy of the Strategic Defense Initiative was derisively referred to as "star wars" in the press and viewed as destabilizing the delicate balance of power, thus escalating the threat of nuclear war. Reagan's support of the Nicaraguan contras met with decided opposition as did his description of the Soviet Union as the "Evil Empire."
The international media network created by Rev. Moon helped to demonstrate the viability of the Reagan Doctrine and had an impact on key congressional votes. It also affected public opinion and the establishment media's coverage of Cold War issues. Of the media projects undertaken by Rev. Moon in the United States (which include The New York City Tribune, New York's Spanish-language newspaper Noticias del Mundo, and Insight Magazine, among others), the founding of The Washington Times (1982) was certainly the most significant. The Times broke key news stories on Soviet bloc operations, and sometimes brought to the front pages vital Cold War issues which newspapers such as The New York Times and The Washington Post chose to bury on back pages. The Times highlighted Soviet human rights violations, did expansive features on the public relations and lobbying activities of left-leaning organizations such as the Christic Institute and the Institute for Policy Studies, and frequently reported on the Soviets' nuclear build-up and their sizeable military and logistic aid to national liberation movements in Asia, Latin America and Africa. Within the first three years of its existence, The Washington Times became one of America's most quoted newspapers.
Three issues help to illustrate the Times' role in the Cold War: Nicaragua, Gorbachev and the U.S. Congress, and SDI.
a. Nicaragua
One area of notable coverage was on the anticommunist insurgency in Nicaragua known as the Contras. The Washington Times' investigations and reportage lent credence to executive and legislative efforts to support that Nicaraguan Resistence in its commitment to derail that country's move into the Soviet-Cuban sphere of influence. For example, from April 8 to 12, 1985, just prior to a crucial Congressional vote on providing support to the Nicaraguan contras, the Times ran a five-part expose on how Leftist grassroots networks were pressuring the U.S. Congress to abandon the freedom fighters. When on April 24, 1985, the U.S. Congress voted down a bill to provide $14,000,000 in humanitarian aid to the Nicaraguan resistance, dealing a major geopolitical setback to the Reagan administration, The Washington Times took the U.S. Congress to task, announcing on May 6, 1985 its establishment of an infrastructure to seek private humanitarian funding for the contras. The Times also announced its decision to provide the first $100,000 seed money for the project. Co-chaired by Jeane Kirkpatrick, William Simon, Midge Decter and Michael Novak, the Times-initiated Nicaraguan Freedom Fund became national news-much to the discomfiture of the Congress. In its news coverage, the Times contrasted the Congressional negative vote with the subsequent trip by Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega Saavedra to Moscow, April 28-29, 1985 to secure additional Soviet aid, and it also reported on new shipments of Soviet military supplies to Nicaragua. The Times' strong focus continued until the Congress reversed its position in June, resulting in a new $27,000,000 commitment of humanitarian assistance to the Nicaraguan resistance. American aid to the contras, as well as the provision of stinger missiles to the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan which the Times also strongly supported, were decisive factors in the eventual wearing down of the Sandinistas in Nicaragua and in the Soviet decision to abandon Afghanistan.
b. Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
On November 1, 1983, The Washington Times did a high profile, full-color article on this space-based anti-missile system and on one of the projects' key supporters, Lt. General Daniel O. Graham. In its editorial policy, the Times rigorously and frequently advocated the system's development. Indeed, when President Reagan unveiled SDI in a March 23, 1983 TV address, the Times editorialized that this address was "maybe President Reagan's best ever," stated that the idea of a space-based shield has "had our interest and support for months" and cited its potential leverage in future arms negotiations. This advocacy can be contrasted with the position of The New York Times, which strongly called for restraints on SDI's development. Reflecting the debate of the time, The New York Times further denigrated both the program and Reagan's position on its development and deployment with such terminology as "a pipe dream, a projection of fantasy into politics," "science fiction," and "dangerous folly," and concluded that Reagan left the impression that SDI is "a harebrained adventure that will induce a ruinous race in both offensive and defensive arms." Regardless of U.S. internal debate on SDI's efficacy, the fact remains that President Reagan's unswerving commitment to this program (and the support of publications such as The Washington Times) contributed to a shift in the Soviet Union's handling of the nuclear issue vis-a-vis the United States.
c. Gorbachev and the U.S. Congress
In November of 1987, The Washington Times ignited a nationwide controversy which resulted in a rescinding of plans to have Mikhail Gorbachev be the first communist leader to address a joint meeting of Congress. This privilege had previously only been extended to foreign dignitaries who were strong allies of the United States such as Lafayette, Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher and Francois Mitterand. Nonetheless, the White House and Democratic congressional leaders apparently had negotiated behind the scenes to afford this honor to President Gorbachev on December 9, during the Reagan-Gorbachev Summit in Washington, D.C. The Washington Times' breaking of this story (first broached on November 13 and headlined on November 17), and its follow-up coverage and editorializing helped to generate a furor among conservative lawmakers. The swelling chorus of opposition led the White House and the congressional supporters of the invitation to begin backpedaling by November 20 and to totally abandon plans for the address by November 22. In the months following this public embarrassment, President Gorbachev took a number of steps, including his announcement to withdraw Soviet troops from Afghanistan, which clearly established glasnost as more than a political ploy.
That the Times would play such a pronounced role in the Cold War was apparently intuited by affected parties from its inception. Neither the Soviet nor the Chinese governments allowed the Times to open a news bureau in their capitals. The radical left newsletter Overthrow in its June/July 1982 issue called for sabotage of The Washington Times, and the Times was subjected to frontal attacks in leftist publications such as CovertAction and CounterSpy. On the other hand, it was reported that Ronald Reagan made a practice of reading The Washington Times every morning and The Washington Times was credited with certain of President Reagan's responses to critical foreign policy issues, including the 1985 forced landing and apprehension of Palestinian terrorists responsible for the hijacking of the Achille Lauro and the cold-blooded murder of American businessman Leon Klinghoffer.
d. The Washington Times' Impact on other World Media
The impact of Rev. Moon's Washington Times extended to the news disseminated worldwide, including in communist and frontline countries. In 1988, Nobel peace laureate Oscar Sanchez Arias, then president of Costa Rica, a country bordering on Nicaragua, told the American Society of Newspaper Editors that Costa Rican newspapers depended on The Washington Times for news of their world. He went on to say that the only American newspaper Costa Rican citizens know exists is The Washington Times, and that if Costa Rican newspapers published something from the U.S. it was from the Times. In 1990, future Nicaraguan President Violeta Chamorro Barrios, owner of La Prensa, the only daily newspaper which dared to defy Nicaragua's Sandinista government, confided to The New York Times' editorial board that the Sandinistas themselves regarded The Washington Times as "the newspaper of the Nicaraguan opposition."
Throughout the 1980's the World Media Association (WMA), a media-related organization associated with The Washington Times, provided journalists from numerous publications with first- hand exposure to numerous vortices of the Cold War. In 1983, WMA brought 155 journalists, from 55 countries, to visit sites on the border of Nicaragua and Honduras, including refugee camps and the track known as "Blood Alley" which two days after the Media Association tour was the site where Sandinista solders killed two American journalists. That same year, journalists were brought to Europe by WMA to report on the Nuclear Freeze Movement and afforded the opportunity to cover the October 22 massive demonstration in Bonn against NATO's planned deployment of Euromissiles. During the same tour, a side visit to East Berlin by WMA allowed journalists to observe a plethora of East German posters opposing the deployment of US cruise missiles, and a total absence of any criticism against the presence of Soviet SS 20's on East German territory.
In 1984, WMA sponsored a journalist fact-finding tour focusing on the Southeast Asia front lines, including a trek inside communist Kampuchea to meet with leaders of the Khmer People's National Liberation Front who were resisting the large Vietnamese military presence in their country. Other fact-finding trips included encounters with leaders of RENAMO, UNITA, SWAPO and Solidarity. The WMA tours, which often also included meetings with heads of state and detailed government briefings, provided journalists access to first-hand information on the status of communism, largely validating the salience of the Reagan Doctrine.
2. Ideological Education
Personalities such as the Rev. Carl McIntyre and Dr. Fred Schwartz and his Christian Anti-Communist Crusade are recognized by Richard Gid Powers for their grassroots initiatives against communism, as are the controversies which surrounded them. Nevertheless, these activities are dwarfed by the anticommunist activities initiated by Rev. Moon (and the controversies related to them) which Powers fails to mention.
In his critique of communism, Rev. Moon emphasized Marxism's ideological shortcomings. This contrasted with criticisms of Marxism developed by figures such as Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Robert Conquest and Richard Wurmbrandt who tended to focus primarily on the enormity of the atrocities committed by the Marxist-Leninist system. In the case of Solzhenitsyn and Conquest, their writings also occasionally explored the character flaws of communism's protagonists, including Lenin, and Stalin. On certain occasions, Solzhenitsyn also commented eloquently on the ideologcial bankruptcy of communism; however, he ostensibly felt no need to formulate a systematic, comprehensive critique of Marxism-Leninism. Critiques of Marxism's deeds and doers played an important role in revealing the disturbingly sinister dimension of Marxism, yet such approaches were blunted in some circles by the moral equivalence argument which played down communim's excesses by pointing to the problems on the anticommunist side as well.
In his approach to communism, Rev. Moon chose to focus on developing and popularizing an analysis and critique of Marxism-Leninism's underlying tenets. From his own life experience, he had come to view the Marxist ideology itself as the Achilles' heel of communism, having concluded that the Marxist positions on alienation, dialectical materialism, and historical materialism were scientifically and philosophically invalid. His exposure to this theory and its consequences had been extensive, having worked as a missionary in North Korea from June, 1946 to December, 1950. This period included two years and eight months in a concentration camp in Hungnam, North Korea where he, like other prisoners, was subjected to required indoctrination in Marxism.
Over time, Rev. Moon, with the collaboration of one of his associates, Dr. Sang Hun Lee, formalized a comprehensive analysis of Marxist-Leninist ideology, including Marxist political economy. Rev. Moon devoted special attention to the practical implications of Marxism-Leninism's militantly atheistic position, the point de depart of his opposition to communism. His analysis and critique came to be known as Victory Over Communism Theory (VOC). The first English language translation of this material was published in 1972. It was refined through subsequent renditions. One adaptation of this material, the CAUSA Lecture Manual (1985), was translated into eleven languages. In his book Jesuitas, Iglesia y Marxismo, Spain's renowned historian and former Minister of Culture Ricardo de la Cierva wrote that "the CAUSA Lecture Manual offers the best analysis of Marxism-Leninism in print."
While VOC had a serious academic dimension, it distinguished itself from other ideological critiques of Marxism by being adapted for presentation to general audiences. During the 1970's, and 80's, millions throughout East Asia, North America, Latin America, Europe, and Africa, including political leaders, scholars, religious leaders, national security experts, military officers and grassroots activists, were educated in VOC theory.
a. VOC Activities in Korea and Japan
Popularization of VOC first began in Korea in 1963 when Rev. Moon initiated what came to be known as the International Federation for Victory over Communism (IFVOC). By the early 1970's VOC theory had established itself as one of the principal sources of anticommunist education in South Korea. In 1974, The Washington Monthly reported that annually hundreds of thousands of civil servants, local officials and soldiers in South Korea were being trained in VOC theory, with government cooperation. On June 7, 1975, an anticommunism rally organized and addressed by Rev. Moon attracted over 1 million demonstrators at Yoido Island in Seoul, Korea. Regular education programs continued during the 1970's and 1980's and a strong grassroots VOC organization was established throughout the Republic of Korea. Activities included a nationwide campaign to boost South Korean morale in 1983 in the wake of the Soviet downing of KAL 007, and the terrorist bombing of South Korean officials in Rangoon, Burma. It resulted in hundreds of thousands of South Koreans joining in rallies and demonstrations in every major South Korean city.
VOC activities in Japan began with the establishment in 1964 of a student VOC organization, and an IFVOC national chapter in 1968. In response to the proliferation of anti-American activities on Japanese university campuses in the 1960's, the Japanese VOC movement held public teach-ins, pertaining to the ideological limitations of Marxism-Leninism. The activities continued throughout the 1980's. Frequently these programs provoked a violent reaction from Leftist students. In the print and broadcast media, IFVOC challenged Japan's Communist Party to public debates on Marxist theory more than 60 times, with the Communist Party circumventing each such challenge. The Japanese Chapter of IFVOC also played a crucial role in the Taipei-based WACL (World Anti-Communist League) beginning in 1970.
Jesus Gonzalez lectured to 20,000 national and community leaders in Honduras and El Salvador between 1984 and 1990.
Following the Sandinista takeover of Nicaragua in July, 1979, Rev. Moon inaugurated VOC activities in Latin America under the auspices of CAUSA International, the name used beginning in 1980 for the IFVOC organization in the West. Under the leadership of Dr. Bo Hi Pak, CAUSA developed a state-of-the-art audio-visual presentation of VOC theory, and throughout the 1980's it conducted hundreds of seminars in Latin America for political, military and civic leaders. It set up branch offices in the Caribbean (the Dominican Republic), the Southern Cone (Uruguay), and in Central America (Honduras). Between 1983 and 1987, CAUSA's Central American office alone conducted over 120 seminars, for more than 10,000 political leaders, scholars, military officers, teachers, students and campesinos. At the request of the Salvadoran government and with their support, CAUSA's Central American director, Mr. Jesus Gonzalez, frequently penetrated the lines of Salvadoran guerrilla (FMLN)-controlled territory to conduct seminars on VOC theory for local residents.
In the 1980's CAUSA International also developed a significant presence in North America and in Europe. Between 1980 and 1990, CAUSA International conducted more than 250 VOC conferences in 40 nations, mostly three- and four-day programs, attended by an estimated 60,000 leaders. These programs mobilized the support and involvement of presidents, vice presidents, cabinet officers, senators and other high-ranking officials. From as early as 1982, CAUSA USA, CAUSA France, CAUSA Uruguay and other national chapters also organized and conducted many of their own conferences. By 1985, CAUSA conferences were even secretly being conducted in Nicaragua and Poland.
c. VOC Activities in America
While many of CAUSA's worldwide activities had important implications, it is particularly appropriate to highlight some of the initiatives taken in the United States. Rev. Moon's American VOC activities began with the creation of the Freedom Leadership Foundation (FLF) in 1969. Functioning primarily out of Washington, D.C., FLF conducted seminars on Marxism and organized rallies and demonstrations exposing and denouncing human rights violations occurring behind the Iron Curtain. The FLF published texts critical of communism and created a bi-weekly newspaper, The Rising Tide, which was widely distributed and read by members of Congress and their staff. Throughout the Vietnam conflict, the FLF steadfastly supported the American military presence in Vietnam.
When President Reagan took office in 1981, there was a pervasive public attitude of resignation towards communism's long-term staying ability. American anticommunism itself had grown weak, defeated and scattered during the previous Ford and Carter administrations, and generally was portrayed negatively in the media. Meanwhile, the Left actively promoted their positions, targeting universities, African-American and Latino communities, and various religious bodies, which often proved to be fertile ground for their efforts. It thus came as no surprise when President Reagan's Central American policy was openly challenged by these sectors, including the leaders of most U.S. mainline Protestant denominations. Such resistance hindered White House plans to rebuild America's military and face down Soviet expansionism.
During the 1980's, American VOC programs intensified, resulting in an interesting synergy between the educational foci of these programs (i.e., methods for responding to Soviet expansionism and ideology) and the strategic goals of the Reagan doctrine. Beginning early in the Reagan administration, Rev. Moon directed massive funds towards projects aimed at strengthening the American public's resolve against communism. CAUSA International and its affiliated projects, including the International Security Council and the American Leadership Conference, conducted hundreds of educational programs and conferences. They targeted a broad range of American opinion makers, including students and professors, journalists, religious leaders, military officers, national security experts, political leaders and grassroots activists.
Initiated by Rev. Moon in 1983, CAUSA USA first organized VOC programs for American religious leaders, who were the prime targets of Leftist organizations such as CISPES (Citizens in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador) and Witness for Peace (a pro-Sandinista organization committed to stopping aid to the Nicaraguan contras). CAUSA USA described its central objectives as educating Americans about the dangers of atheistic communism in theory and practice, and as developing programs aimed at addressing social conditions which had permitted communism to take root. Between 1984 and 1986, over 70,000 Christian ministers heard the CAUSA critique of Marxism. In 1985, CAUSA USA organized 27 national VOC conferences, each attended by 300-700 religious leaders, as well as an estimated 200 local programs for clergy.
CAUSA USA seminars had notable appeal in the African-American Christian community, a constituency which had not traditionally been pursued by organizations opposed to Marxism-Leninism. Dr. David N. Licorish, Publisher and Senior Editor of The Baptist, devoted an issue of that magazine to CAUSA and even chose to reprint Dr. Martin Luther King's sermon "Why a Christian Cannot Be a Communist." Writing of his experience at a CAUSA seminar, Licorish noted CAUSA's ability to attract people of diverse ethnic and racial origins. Numerous prominent Civil Rights leaders such as Dr. Ralph Abernathy and Dr. James Bevel, a key strategist for Dr. Martin Luther King, also became active in CAUSA USA activities and often were featured speakers at their events.
In 1985 CAUSA USA decided to expand its initiative to the general public. It launched a national signature drive, inviting Americans to sign a petition in support of the organization's efforts to educate Americans about the dangers of atheistic communism. Over 10 million Americans signed this petition, and these results were reported to the White House.
American political leaders were the focus of another organization offering VOC theory, the American Leadership Conference (ALC), founded in 1986 under the chairmanship of Amb. Phillip V. Sanchez, former U.S. Ambassador to Colombia and Honduras. This CAUSA International program provided a forum where legislators could explore and discuss international and domestic issues. However, the principal focus of the ALC program was to educate elected officials about Soviet military strategy and on the underlying tenets of Marxist-Leninist ideology, contrasting it with the historical and philosophical foundations of American democracy.
Aided by an invitational committee consisting of some 50 state legislators from throughout the United States and an advisory board of former diplomats, congressmen and governors, the ALC elicited a considerable response from American political leaders. By the end of 1990, over 10,000 had attended one of 30 national, three- to four-day anticommunism conferences. Participants included around 100 current and former members of Congress, 130 mayors, more than 2,000 state legislators, many prominent federal and state officials, as well as university presidents and leaders of think tanks, grassroots organizations and private foundations. In addition to the CAUSA presentations on Marxism-Leninism, guest speakers added their views on American military strategy and domestic policy. ALC speakers included 25 members of Congress (e.g., Senators Jesse Helms, Al Gore and Richard Lugar, Congressman Henry Hyde) and other luminaries (e.g., Alan Bloom, Thomas Sowell, Mona Charon and Maureen Reagan). At most conferences, participants also heard presentations by those with an intimate experience of frontline Marxist-leaning states, including UNO (United Nicaraguan Opposition) leaders Pedro J. Chamorro Barrios, Arturo Cruz and Adolfo Calero, Nicaraguan Roman Catholic Church official Monsignor Bismarck Carballo, and American Indian Movement (AIM) leader Russell Means who shared his experiences with the Ramo, Sumo and Miskito resistance to Nicaragua's Sandinista government.
Active and retired military officials were exposed to VOC theory under the aegis of the CAUSA International Military Association (CIMA). More than 800 retired high-ranking officials of the United States armed forces attended CAUSA presentations on VOC, including a sizeable number of America's retired four-star generals and full admirals. A number of those officers later played crucial roles in the formation of a grassroots, activist organization founded in 1987, known as the American Freedom Coalition (AFC). With opposition to Marxist-Leninist expansionism as one of its ten founding planks, AFC drew significant media attention on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution in November, 1987 when it organized rallies in all fifty states reminding Americans of the millions of men, women and children who had been senselessly eliminated in the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia and elsewhere in the name of communism.
Another organization initiated by CAUSA International, the International Security Council (ISC), gathered together strategists, diplomats, government officials, academics and former senior military officers to assess American military security and the relevance of diplomatic initiatives vis-a-vis the Soviet Union. During the latter years of the Cold War, ISC held 43 conferences, symposia and roundtables, published 39 position and research papers, and started an academic journal, Global Affairs. Chairing the symposia were national security and foreign affairs experts such as Eugene V. Rostow, Charles Lichenstein, Richard Perle and Richard Pipes. ISC's strategic recommendations concurred with President Reagan's decision to strengthen America's strategic position through a substantial military build-up.
Rev. Moon's ministry on the university campus was carried out by the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP), a Unification Church-related organization which became known during the 1980's for its rallies, publications and seminars countering communist expansion and Marxist ideology. CARP regularly countered CISPES demonstrations, which called for cutting off U.S. military support to El Salvador, and conducted its own rallies on campuses calling for an end of the Soviet and Cuban presence in El Salvador and Nicaragua. The oppression of Solidarity in Poland was a focus of CARP rallies, as was the persecution of religious belivers in the USSR. High-profile KAL 007 protests by CARP were covered by print media such as Newsweek, USA Today, U.S. News and World Report, and The Philadelphia Inquirer and depicted in these publications as representative of America's outrage at the Soviet downing of a civilian Korean airliner resulting in 269 fatalities. CARP's organization of KAL 007 and other anti-Soviet demonstrations on colleges "from Columbia to Madison to Berkeley," led the Revolutionary Communist Party USA's newspaper, Young Spartacus, to describe CARP in one of its headlines as "Campus Shock Troops for Anti-Soviet War Drive."
Rev. Moon's extensive educational initiatives on Marxism-Leninism undoubtedly strengthened the understanding of, and conviction against, communism in key sectors of American society: clergy, university students, political leaders, minority communities and scholars. Such efforts, combined with the vocal rallies and demonstrations, would have helped to expand the base of public support for Ronald Reagan's foreign policy.
Lee Shapiro, award-winning CAUSA film maker in Nicaragua. Mr. Shapiro was killed by Soviet soldiers inside Afghanistan in October, 1987.
Reinforcing these programs were many films, videos and multi-media presentations on Marxism. For example, human rights violations inside Nicaragua gained greater visibility due to the efforts of Lee Shapiro, a CAUSA International associate. At great personal risk, Shapiro traveled with the Nicaraguan Resistance forces. He filmed, wrote, produced, and directed the award-winning documentary entitled Nicaragua was our Home, which captured on film testimonies of the atrocities committed by the Sandinistas against the Miskito Indians. The documentary was aired nationally by PBS (which made the highly irregular demand for a rap-around pointing out the filmmaker's ties to CAUSA International). It was also previewed at the White House on June 28, 1985, and President Reagan personally commended Shapiro for his work. CARP also produced a full length film entitled El Salvador: Revolution and Romance, which highlighted the Marxist-Leninist ties of the FMLN. Such educational efforts helped the general public to understand the ideological bankruptcy of communism, the duplicity of the Marxist appeal for human rights, and the real threat of Soviet expansionism.
3. Contacts with Communist Leaders
Rev. Moon's anticommunism activities also included a mediating dimension, which initially he most visibly pursued through the previously mentioned WMA (World Media Association). In 1982, Rev. Moon asked WMA to organize fact-finding tours which would bring Western journalists to the Soviet Union. Between 1982 and 1989, WMA brought hundreds of American and foreign journalists to Russia and many of the other Soviet republics. As early as 1983 these journalists dialogued with leaders of TASS, Pravda, Izvestia, and Novosti News Agency. Early WMA participants were subjected to verbal sparring matches with Soviet specialists in disinformation; however, relations had improved by the 1988 fact-finding tour, when WMA received permission for the first time for a journalist exchange program with the U.S.S.R. The following year, WMA hosted Soviet journalists on a tour of the United States. The Soviet delegation included Albert Vlasov, Chairman of the Board for Novosti News Agency. That tour opened the way to a working relationship between the WMA and the Soviet media, including Izvestia, Novosti, and The Moscow News.
On April 11, 1990, Rev. Moon met in Moscow with USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev. An aftermath of the meeting was the decision by the U.S.S.R. to allow its leadership to attend American Leadership Conferences. In December of 1990 and February of 1991, the ALC sponsored seminars for 80 deputies of the Supreme Soviet (federal, republic and city levels), as well as delegations of some 60 cabinet ministers and members of parliament from Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Yugoslavia. Attendees included Sergei Lushchikov, then the Soviet Minister of Justice, and General Oleg Kalugin, former director of KGB operations in the United States. Participants received lectures on VOC theory as well as briefings on the underpinnings of Western democracy. From April 30-May 7, 1991, the World Leadership Conference, affiliated with ALC, sponsored an unprecedented seminar and fact-finding tour in Washington, D.C. for approximately 200 high-ranking Soviet officials and political leaders, comprised of official delegations from all 15 republics of the U.S.S.R. This was the only time during these final years of the Soviet Union that any person, government or private organization brought together representatives from all of the 15 Soviet republics. In attendance were 26 deputies of the USSR Supreme Soviet and some 75 deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the various republics, as well as Republic vice-presidents, cabinet ministers and ambassadors. While in the United States, the delegation met with federal officials in Washington, D.C. and with city and state officials and business representatives in the New York City area.
a. Rev. Moon and North Korea
Rev. Moon's Cold War efforts also extended to isolated and potentially volatile North Korea. Because of his outspoken views against communism, Rev. Moon was long viewed with hostility in North Korea. As late as 1987 the FBI arrested a reputed member of the Japanese Red Army, an organization with established ties to North Korea, for his involvement in an assassination plot which targeted Rev. Moon.
Rev. Moon nonetheless secured an invitation in November, 1991 to meet with DPRK President Kim Il Sung. The meeting led to some tangible results. A few months after this visit, President Kim Il Sung gave his first interview to the Western Press in 20 years, via The Washington Times. In the interview Kim Il Sung expressed his desire to improve U.S.-DPRK relations. The meeting also led to an opportunity to concretely improve such relations via the aforementioned American Freedom Coalition (AFC).
During May and June of 1992, the AFC conducted a peacemaking mission to Pyongyang after consultation with the Bush White House. The 40-person delegation, headed by former Congressman Richard Ichord, included numerous former Congressmen and federal officials, including former CIA Deputy Director Max Hugel and Amb. Douglas MacArthur II, nephew and namesake of Gen. MacArthur, the Supreme Commander of UN troops who had repulsed the 1950 attack on the South. The AFC delegation targeted the cooling of abusive language (toward the US and South Korea) by DPRK officials as the principal goal of their visit. The delegation addressed this and other topics with high-ranking Party officials, including Kim Young Sun, architect of Pyongyang's foreign policy, and with President Kim Il Sung himself, who hosted the delegation for lunch and spent more than three hours responding to their questions.
In a subsequent June 23, 1992 meeting in New York, a North Korean Ambassador to the United Nations relayed to Congressman Ichord and several other members of the AFC delegation to Pyongyang that the DPRK, as a consequence of the recent AFC visit, had made a unilateral decision to cancel its annual anti-American demonstrations. Such demonstrations had taken place every June 25th to July 27th since the end of the Korean conflict. On the request of the DPRK official, Congressman Ichord conveyed this decision to the Bush administration, which he did on June 24, 1992. The anti-American demonstrations have remain suspended since that time.
b. Theological Paradigm
It is useful to reflect upon the paradigm or prism through which Rev. Moon apparently approached these meetings with Presidents Gorbachev and Kim. The Divine Principle, the religious teaching of Rev. Moon, posits the biblical struggle between Cain and Abel as the underlying dynamic of all historical development. Cain and Abel were brothers; instead of murder they should have reconciled with each other peacefully. Such a peaceful reconciliation between hostile brothers was realized by Jacob and Esau. Their struggle, again between a younger brother and an elder brother, is seen as a continuation of the original Cain-Abel rivalry. Jacob finally won the respect of Esau, and thus resolved the Cain-Abel problem in his family. He could achieve this result by preparing well for his encounter with Esau, having acquired a certain level of spiritual and material strength. In accord with this view, all struggling individuals, nations and blocs can be analyzed as taking the positions of Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau.
For Rev. Moon, the Cold War represented a different level and expression of the same Cain-Abel/Jacob-Esau struggle. Like Jacob, Rev. Moon returned to his homeland to meet Esau (Kim Il Sung) only once he could be recognized as a man of accomplishment. Having become a leading anti-communist, Rev. Moon's meeting with President Kim, the most hardline of communists, took on a wider significance. The peaceful reunion and reconciliation of these two leaders represented the resolution of the East-West struggle at the place where the the outbreak of first violent East-West conflict had occurred following World War II.
Rev. Moon's role in the struggle against communism did not end with his encounter with Kim Il Sung. According to his teachings, communism emerged because of real social injustices and is the consequence of deep-seated human resentment which can only be healed through service and love. Based on this understanding, Rev. Moon has continued to work in places such as North Korea and the People's Republic of China, with the expressed goal of resolving the problem at the very root. It is anticipated that his involvement will thus continue.
This article has traced only some of the contributions which Rev. Moon and organizations which he founded made to the struggle against communist expansionism. Such efforts expended more than capital. In the late 1960's and the early 1970's, Unification Church missionaries were sent clandestinely to every Eastern European country. In the USSR, some were imprisoned and later expelled from the country. In Czechoslovakia and in Poland, Church missionaries were jailed for up to six years. Several members were executed after the communist takeover of Ethiopia because of their Church affiliation. CAUSA filmmaker Lee Shapiro, who had produced Nicaragua was our Home, was killed by Soviet soldiers on October 9, 1987 while filming with the Afghan Resistance. Martin Bauer, President of CAUSA International in the Dominican Republic, was assassinated in 1985.
Rev. Moon's activities may have filled a unique niche during the Cold War. While nongovernmental, his media initiatives and educational initiatives in key sectors of society bolstered internal support for governments opposed to communism. A distinctive feature of his work was the extensive popularization of a comprehensive ideological critique of Marxism-Leninism. Meanwhile, Rev. Moon carried out activities in communist nations themselves which seem designed to help the leadership of those nations come closer to the leading Western powers.
Rev. Moon was acutely attuned to the dominant importance of the United States in the struggle against communism. Perhaps for this reason, he placed so much emphasis on the need for an anticommunist president to guide the nation, which for him was fulfilled in the person of Ronald Reagan. Upon Reagan's election, Rev. Moon systematically developed programs designed to support the President in his stance against communism-programs such as The Washington Times and the various organizations which worked to develop an anticommunist consensus among a broad spectrum of politicians, religious leaders, statesmen, and civic and educational leaders.
How different would the course of the Cold War, and more specifically the fate of Nicaragua, SDI, and the Reagan doctrine have been, had Rev. Moon's educational and grassroots activities and The Washington Times never existed? Would this void have otherwise been filled? Any such assessments constitute mere speculation, yet one matter remains evident. During the 1970's and 1980's Rev. Moon's anticommunist activities were the target of derision in publications such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, Newsweek, Time, and The Los Angeles Times, and they were the focus of decided animosity in Leftist publications including Izvestia, Pravda, El Nuevo Diario, Barricada, Granma, CounterSpy, USSR Today, Nation, and CovertAction. Yet today he and the organizations which he founded do not appear in Western accounts of the demise of communism.