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Rev. Sun Myung Moon,Unification church, Nostradamus 2012, baba vanga prophecy, bible true book truth word magic, second coming christ jesus

Prophecies 2012: The Golden Age

Prophecies 2012: Nostradamus, Vanga, Bible, The Golden Age, Second Advent Messiah
In two years will shine a new era of peace and prosperity, spiritual and physical world will be linked as never before. The immoral secular traditions will go to extinction, and all of humanity will become one family through inter-cultural marriages .

Following an illumination experience with God, prophecies reveal through clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience: Now spiritual vision reviled to the world how the Messiah will look like. He will be teaching and fertility to the humanity by True Love in the family. This will create a foundation for the social ideals of the Golden Age.

Five Curious Facts about the Unification Church and Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Baba Vanga's Prophecy: "Christ will Return, Religions will Unite"
Nostradamus Prophesied About Moon
Spiritual drawing: Maitreya Buddha is coming today - stricking similarity to Rev. Moon

In the coming years, the Incas expect us to emerge into a golden age, a golden millennium of peace - 2012; That's also called the Age of Aquarius - These Predictions about the New Age, ancient prophecies, also speak of tumultuous changes ... 2012; In the Prophecies of the emerging Golden Age: Mayan End Times Prophecy 12-21-2012, The Messiah will bring global Transformation & the Enlightenment of Mankind. All of these prophecies are concerning one man, Messianic figure, and they point at no one else but Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

In a proclamation to the world Rev. Moon announced that in two years will shine a new era of peace and prosperity, spiritual and physical world will be linked as never before. The immoral secular traditions will go to extinction, and all of humanity will become one family through inter-cultural marriages .

The Second Avatar: The appearance, manifestation of unifying leader
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End of the Earth: Predictions for the end of the Age of Evil 2012
End of the Earth, third world war 3: Predictions for the end of the Age of Evil 2012Predictions for the end of the Age of Evil 2012 This article is a Google Translate version from Bulgarian"The End...

Secrets of the Holy Family: Mark Gibbs unravels mystique of Jesus' birth
Secrets of the Holy Family: Mark Gibbs unravels mystique of Jesus' birthSecrets of the Holy Family RevealedMark Gibbs unravels mystique of Jesus' birth. Who is Jesus' father was known for centuries...

Blessing that Liberates God and Overcomes Historic Boundaries
Moon's Blessings Weddings Marriages Unification Church matching sect cult religious marriages Historic Blessing of Marriage Interreligious and International Marriages Liberate God's Heart by Overcoming...

News: In two years will shine a new era of peace
World Assembly celebrates the dawn of New Age

Baba Vanga's Prophecy: "Christ will Return, Religions will Unite"
Vanga's predictions 2012, Baba Vanga, Bulgarian Vanga, Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova blind Baba Vanga's Prophecy: RELIGIONS WILL UNITE - GOD IS ONE "Christ will Return, Religions will Unite, The New M...

Sun Myung Moon: Revolution of Heart
Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Rev. Moon, Moon Sun Myung, Revolution of Heart, Revolution of ConscienceSun Myung Moon: Revolution of HeartThe man who ended Communism is now dedicated to unite the efforts of ...

Personal testimony: Jesus guided me to Rev. Moon
MY PERSONAL MEMORIES My life in search of the truth. I experienced things that I want to share(This personal story, got very popular and was read by thousands of people. It sparked interest in are...

"The one who will sign the final contract for the peace of the planet." "Christ will come again on earth in white robes. There comes a time when certain people will feel in their hearts the return of Christ" - Prophecies of Vanga

Second Advent of Christ: THROUGH BIRTH
Personal testimony: Jesus guided me to Rev. Moon
Message from Jesus about Rev. Moon
Rev. Moon is the Messiah sent by God and Jesus Christ himesf!
Korean Future according to the theory of divination based on topography
North Korea, Bible Prophecy - The Mayan Doomsday Date December 21 2012
Moon and the Washington Times: THE ROLE IN ENDING THE COLD WAR
Nostradamus, the Korean Prophecy and the Bible
Moon and Nostradamus: The Daughter of Rev. Moon Finds out with Shock
MESSIAH: My Testimony to Rev. Moon
Nostradamus Prophecied About Moon
Spiritual drawing: Maitreya Buddha is coming today - stricking similarity to Rev. Moon
Proclaim the Messiah, the Savior and the Lord of the Second Advent
Bering Strait Peace Project: Dream of a new peaceful world
The most dangerous religion of today: Humanism
Propecies: Vanga and Nostradamus
Moon: New Moons rising
The Korean Prophecy, Chung Gam Rok
World Future: The Culture of Heart

Other Messianic Prophecies

The Bible also foretells the birth of Messianic person who will change the world. The Messiah at the Second Advent will be born in the East (Revelation 12:5). He will have a "new name that no one knows... and his name will be God's Word (in Korean "Moon")" (Revelation 19:12-13). Jesus will personally give him the mission to save the world as he has received from his Father (Revelation 2:26-28). Yet, He will be first rejected and persecuted by this generation. Read...

Korean Prophecies
According to Korean Prophecies (1000 years old): From the beginning of the twenty-first century, trends of thinking throughout the world will drastically change. Many natural calamities are going to change the world. Yet, the real change will happen in the conscience and spirituality of humanity through the guidance of the true man - Messianic figure born in Korea, from the clan of Moon. Read...

"He will come and unify the world (2000 to 2025)... he will accomplish the will of God"...

"He will suffer and shed tears of blood... and reach out to the four corners of the world. He will unite Confucianism, Buddhism and Christianity"...

"People blinded by gold, it would be difficult to renounce temptations. Look for
a secret message in South Korea - it is all hidden, "but" stupid people can not find it."

Prophecies of Nostradamus
Nostradamus wrote 60 quatrains giving about 40 signs by which to identify this man - the Messianic figure. According to Nostradamus He will suffer great persecution and misunderstanding; He will be repeatedly thrown in jail; He will fly and travel a lot, but wherever he goes he will bless many families.

Unification Church mass wedding blessing in South Korea
The Messianic figure connected with the name "Moon" will bless the families wherever he goes, according to Nostradamus.
Nostradamus describes him as a new religious leader - carrier of the new truth for our time. This Peacemaker will be born in the Oriental East, uniting the religions against the Red (Communism). Nostradamus gives even his name, "Moon", which in Korean means "God's Word" (The Word given by God to men).
Until 1991 the world will have heard about him, but people are not going to believe. If we accept him or not by the year 2012 will determine what will follow; a bright future or destructive World War III. Read...

Golden Age Prophecy
Spiritual Drawings received through revelations also depict Rev. Moon as the Messiah for the Buddhist world. Following an illumination experience with God, Nanette Crist Johnson through her spiritual vision received how the Messiah looks like. She has no connection with the Unification Church, but she saw spiritually the coming Buddha who will teach humanity by True Love in the family and will open the way for the Golden Age. Read...

In messages from Spirit World received in 2001, all religious founders, like Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Mohamed call all Christians, Buddhist, Muslims to unite and follow the Lord of the Second Advent - Rev. Sun Myung Moon. In Jesus' words, "Reverend Sun Myung Moon is the master of this era because he is the Messiah of the Second Coming." In these spiritual messages Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohammad, Confucius and many others are conveying their unity in the spirit world. In their words: "Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon & his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Moon are working under the authority of God to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth." Reed...

Messiah’s Message: Daughter of the Lord of the Second Advent
News: In two years will shine a new era of peace
Rev. Moon received his calling from Jesus Christ
Church destiny of success: Moon followers and operations
Second Advent of Christ: THROUGH BIRTH
Personal testimony: Jesus guided me to Rev. Moon
In Jin Nim: “Rev. Moon invested more than $2 billion just in the Washington Times to win the ideological battle, to protect our world and stop communism. Because of that investment we entered the age of Glasnost and Perestroika, and the Berlin Wall came down. Rev. Moon saw that day coming...

If it might be true that he is the one to usher in God’s kingdom, that he might be the Messiah, the second coming of Christ; what should we do? Should we be like Jesus’ disciples or should we be like the ones who turned their backs on him, or the ones who denied him or worse yet, the ones who tried to do away with him. You may not like him or you may not like the words he speaks but if there is even .0001% of a chance that he is the One, shouldn’t you at least keep an open mind and an open heart? Read

2 коментара:


    2012; Prophecies of the emerging Golden Age: Mayan End Times Prophecy 12-21-2012 The Messiah will bring global Transformation & the Enlightenment of Mankind by Victor Zelikovsky: Analysis ... Golden Age in 2012 - Mayan Calendar corroborates Hindu Prophecy. In fact all religions and prophecies point to that. The Golden Age Prophecy is described from Before the Dawn of Time and was the ancient prediction of how the Golden Age was to appear in the year 2012 with the guidance of a Messianic figure born in the East... Book: '2012; Prophecies of the Emerging Golden Age' Book: '2012; Prophecies of the Emerging Golden Age' ... 2012; the Maya-Calendar and Prophecies • The 'Signs of the Times'; climate change, famines, ...

    marie.vgda says

    jesus christ showed himselfe in his own body after his dead, pete who thought he was a ghost had to feel with his hands to believe such miracle.

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