Rev. Moon received his calling from Jesus Christ
Rev. Moon Sun Myung Moon calling from Jesus Christ Messiah Second Advent of the Lord
Rev. Moon received his calling from Jesus Christ
Personal testimonies, spiritual experiences and direct encounters with Rev. Moon's work and teachings, convince Christians, Ministers and people of all faith, that Sun Myung Moon is the Messiah - the expected Lord of the Second Advent
How did the young Moon receive his calling from Jesus Christ
He was just 15 years old when Jesus personally appeared to him. Jesus revealed to the young Sun Myung Moon that the “end of the age” was fast approaching and in order for the world to be made ready, Christians everywhere had to enter a new dimension of understanding, commitment and unity.
What did Jesus Christ reveal to Sun Myung Moon
Jesus revealed to him “God’s three main headaches” - three key obstacles standing in the way of the successful fulfillment of the Christian era that plague the modern world:
1. Believers disunion: The division of Christians along doctrinal, racial and political matters. Jesus revealed his pain to watch his children fight. He described this as a direct violation of his desire and prayer as recorded in John 17:21, “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.”
2. Growing Atheism: The rise of God-denying ideologies such as Marxism-Leninism and the selfish, materialistic body-centered life styles void of spiritual values.
3. Immorality of youth: The decline of the family and moral foundations that lead society and youth towards self-destruction. Especially Jesus was concerned with the impact on the youth led by free sex directly towards Hell.
It was this vision that transformed the young Korean boy's life. It was this call from Jesus that inspired the founding, in 1954, of The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity by Rev. Moon. It was not his own aim or desire, it was Jesus Christ, whom Christians so fervently believe in, that asked Moon Sun Myung to unite Christianity and stop the force of atheism and immorality so that God's Kingdom can come.
The articulation of that vision is the central theme of Rev. Moon's main teaching, the Divine Principle. Its clear focus is not in changing the root of Christian faith, but rather on “the fruit” of Christian faith, that is, the fulfillment of the hope of all Christianity and Christ himself.
Christianity however failed to recognize that Jesus is working behind Rev. Moon. For centuries they invested their energy to destroy him. Yet, God was on his side and today we see hundreds and thousands of Christin ministers who finally started recognizing that fact.
Rev. Robert Pyle of the Church of the Brethren, a white pastor testified, "We move together and we are gaining power from nation to nation. The Message of Father Moon that we are delivering has profound contents that have the power to unify the body of Christ. We are brining unity. It is the by the power of the Holy Spirit. When I heard about this call, I knew in my heart that I had to go. I am going to all the world 120 gathered for Jesus and pentecost occured now 120 Clergy gather again and a world Pentecost is about to occur."
Rev. Carolyn Sion - Texas - "I worked directly for the President. I'm from Houston. I have held many positions working with key leaders. God called me into ministry and I responded to the call. It was an amazing call. We just laid the foundation of my church building with new property. Many said I couldn't go on this trip.... I said if God wants me to go I am going. I came with that heart and spirit and I see the glory of God revealed as we bring love and truth to this world. I am not afraid. I believe in True Parents. I know Jesus is with me. This is the most significant time. When the world is tour by war and confusion, we can't just hide. We can't just hope someone else will do something. Father Moon has called the religious leaders to stand up and give the word and demonstrate love beyond the boundaries of doctrine or denomination or even religion. I am so grateful to Father and Mother Moon. By the way I just got a call this morning --- the walls of our church went up successfully and the members are all being responsible."
Many local ministers and pastors in obedience to the command of God that is, to bring Rev. Moon's message to the world.
Carolyn Sion read the speech with a strong spirit and heart and added her own words. "We should all follow Jesus and Rev. Moon has done, be obedient as Rev. Moon was obedient when Jesus called him." And "If we don't speak the word of God, it is not the word of God. – It is only existing when it is shared." She illustrated the lack of love in our society by asking one of our guests, a Mormon (from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) to stand beside her while she was talking about how we build walls and even don't talk to each other.
"The core teaching of Rev. Moon is about tearing down these walls by practicing true love."
Rev. Carlos Torres, a minister and teacher from California gave the keynote address and his personal testimony to God's work at this time and our responsibility to respond to His divine calling. He shared what he called reading between the lines and also emphasized the existence of spirit world and the current battle between heaven and hell. Rev. Torres created in the small event an intimate high atmosphere with spirit of dedication and love.One member commented that he had sensed the same spiritual atmosphere as when the True Parents had visited on the earlier world tours.He shared his testimony and his understanding of True Parents work and vision. Pointing often at True Parent's picture, which was standing right next to him. He made clear the unity between Rev. Moon's movement and his Christian realm. He talked about True Father, Rev. Moon, and how he went the same way as Jesus, keeping the same attitude even when he was imprisoned. – And still he kept forgiving his enemies like Jesus did it on the cross. He gave us real hope that the world might open up and come to understand True Parents through the united efforts of the Moonies. Read more Christian stories
Experiences with Jesus
Face to Face by Mr. Philip K. Burley
Before True Father (Dr. Sun Myung Moon) made his first appearance to me in a dream, Jesus appeared to me One evening, shortly after I accepted the Divine Principle, I was lying on my bed when Jesus appeared at my bedside. He told me that I must go through the crucifixion with him. At that point I was suddenly on the cross. I could see and feel the nails pierce my feet and hands. I could feel the crown of thorns on my head. I lay in my bed, writhing in the total anguish and pain of the crucifixion; I was there with Jesus on the cross.
After it was over, I knew the deeper pain was in Jesus' heart, and I knew that if I continued to go this way I would experience an ongoing crucifixion of my self. How sober I felt!
Another time Jesus appeared in a dream, letting me know how much he loved me, how he was a man of flesh as any other man, and that as much as he had tried and desired, he could not complete his work. For this he was most sad and, in a way, broken. I shall never forget his personal love and kindness in this dream.
Jesus appeared to me again for a last time. I was in a place not unlike heaven in the spirit world. Jesus appeared in the distance and began approaching me. At one point he stopped and gave me an ancient salutation. As he did so,a voice spoke and all around me the atmosphere rumbled with the sound. It was like the voice of God and it said, "This is Jesus, the Christ."
![]() | MESSIAH: My Testimony to Rev. Moon |
![]() | Nostradamus Prophecied About Moon |
![]() | Spiritual drawing: Maitreya Buddha is coming today - stricking similarity to Rev. Moon |
As I woke from the dream, Jesus was standing beside my bed. Then only his face and piercing blue eyes hung in the air against the background of the darkened room. Finally, his face and then his eyes gradually faded out of sight. Read the full story