The Korean Prophecy, Chung Gam Rok
Korean prophecy that started about 1000 years ago (Chung Gam Rok) and then reiterated and confirmed by many other scholars
The Korean Prophecy
The prophecies of the future world are intriguing when people realized that the prediction was verified after the event already has happened. However, are there incidents that the ultimate fate of the human calamity was prevented because of any prophecy? If not, why should prophecies be given to us? In fact we find that all prophets were given the mission from God, to warn humanity about something. As Nostradamus concluded after all the visions of calamities and wars, "My hope is that by hearing this, people will awaken and will not allow the great destruction to come." Therefore, the purpose was to lead humanity towards responsible change. So, most of the prophecies of the world are useless if they fail to prevent the disasters or certain unfortunate events from happening. The Bible for example, is full with such cases. Most of the prophets failed, they were killed, and people continued with their evil doings.
In this respect, prophecies are not for the purpose of the satisfaction of human curiosity, rather to prepare us for the future. People simply like to know what will happen, but in fact we should be eager to understand what God expects from us - what it is that we should change to prevent calamities. Reason for those failures was that most religions could not fathom the importance of the human part of responsibility in what is happening in the world. Therefore we are at the center of the providence. On us it depends whether we will bring blessing or curs in our future. Bad prophecies are just a warning of what will happen if we fail and to find out if there is anything we can do to avoid it is the most important point.
At the threshold of 21 century are at the verge of the vast changes to come. The end of the world prophecies by the Mayan calender, Nostradamus, Hopi Indians, the Biblical revelations and the Chinese I-Ching have all been well publicized. Interestingly, however, the Korean prophecy has not been publicized at all, probably because, I presume, it has not been fully translated in English. Or perhaps there are some other important reasons so that in these days when people are hungry for any prophetic knowledge of the future it is being disregarded on purpose.
As any Koreans would have heard of it, there is a very well known Korean prophecy that started about 1000 years ago (Chung Gam Rok) and then reiterated and confirmed by many other scholars (for example: Kyuk Am Yu Rok) of the Confucian philosophy. Those Korean prophecies are very specific and elaborate in detail.
It is a well known fact in Korea that those books of prophecy accurately predicted, the number of years (36 years) Japanese would occupy Korea and then their eventual retreat.
The division of the Korean peninsula into North and South and the eventual unification of the two Koreas were also prophesied. It is obvious that this kind of prophecies could not be very popular to the ancient Koreans until those events actually happened because of its stressful content. In Koreans psyche, the idea that, especially in recent years, the difference in ideology is not such a big a deal compared to the blood, has been strengthened. They say in the old Korean folklore, "Blood is thicker than Water".
For example, in a recent incidence, the north Korean commerce ship was about to be hijacked by the Somali pirates and the South Korean Navy helicopter fired onto the pirates and saved the north Korean ship from being hijacked. I think this story demonstrates that South Koreans certainly do not care if the North have nuclear weapons and the long range missile capability, it is the blood that matters for them. Basically the minds of the people of Korean peninsula are moving toward the unification. We don't know when it will happen, but if the books could predict the Japanese invasion and the division of the Korean peninsula, there is no reason to doubt the ultimate unification of the two Koreas.
There are much more materials in the book of the Korean prophecy that also tells about what will happen in the world in the "end" days. They also talk about the pandemics and the famine that will kill many people in the world. But the most glaring subject of all in the books of Korean prophecy is this specific mention about the King who will come to Korea and judge all the evils of the world. He will enlighten the world and bring the peace. The world after those pandemics and the famine will be bright according to the Korean prophecy.
I think what scares the people is that this Korean prophecy tells specifically that the "chosen" one will come to Korea. The Chinese prophecy also says he (the one) will come in the East. China is also located in the East.
The more details you study into this books of Korean prophecy, the more you will be surprised by learning how specific those prophecies are about the technologically wonderful world of the future and the family origin and whose descendants (the one) will be. There are many branches of groups of families in Korea with the same family name, so, normally Korean people would tend to specify who is the originator of their specific family branch called "bon juk" to find out if they are blood related.
Speaking of "Bon Juk", if a young couple wants to get married and they found out that they have the same family name and also the same "bon juk" (the first originator of the family) then they can not marry. This common law has been in use in Korea for centuries and it caused many miseries because a young loving couple could not get married just because they happened to have the same family name and the same "Bon Juk". I believe this law has been repealed but it is still in use in the circles of the so called "Yang Ban" class (high ruling class) families. This law is far more stricter than the Jewish or the common world (bible) standard that extends only up to among the immediate siblings. It is out of question in Korea for cousins to get married to each other. It is simply not possible. A person can not even get married to his/her grand father's sister's grand daughter/son no matter how much they may be in love with each other. If they do, it would be considered a sin almost as close to a incest in Korean morality.
The reason this person, "the chosen one", should be a man and not a woman is because the prophecy says he would be called "Chung Do Ryung". "Do Ryung" in Korean word means an "adorable young man of noble descent". And the originator of this family branch of Chung Do Ryung is repeatedly mentioned in the book of Kyuk Am Yu Rok.
It must be noted that the religious group (Unification Church) of Sun Myung Moon has been using this Korean prophecy to promote the "legitimacy" of his religious leadership because "Chung Do Ryung" is supposed to be the messiah of the second coming. Of course, Sun Myung Moon's birth place was as predicted of the one, which is in the north of the 38th line, the region of which belongs to the area of the present day North Korea.
Here, the compelling question is - how a Korean man should come up with this mathematical solution that is the ultimate secret of the universe that can and will revolutionize the world. For the last 90 years, thousands of the brightest geniuses of the world entered, graduated and practiced in this field of science and tried to find the solution of this mysterious magnetic gravity that would liberate humans from the perpetual misery. For this kind of remarkable event to happen, some one or some books should have foretold in the past that this event will happen in the future in a form of a prophecy. Only then it will qualify you as being legitimate.
His legitimacy would be that he will not just call himself a Messiah, but really find this solution as it was prophesied to be that way 1000 years ago according to the Korean prophecy. I would like to recommend the full translated version of Chung Gam Rok for anyone who wants to study this Korean prophecy. It would require hundreds of pages of blog space to record the entire content of the book so I will use only those prophecies that are connected to our time and possible to understand.
The Prophecies of Nostradamus
And also see what Nostradamus wrote about the 40 signs to recognize the coming Messianic figure in his quatrain 75.
Into Europe, In Asia shall appear,
One Issued of the line of great Hermes
And shall be over all the Kings of the Orient."
If Nostradamus was biased by the necessity of boosting the pride of his own people, he would not have written such a quatrain, nor Kyuk Am would have written the shameful defeat of the Korean people and the occupation by the Japanese for 36 years if he was biased to promote the Korean agenda. Both records were written in their truthful visions of the future.
![]() Nostradamus predicts that the Messianic figure will bless thousands of families... |
Rev 19:12-13, "and bearing a new name that no one knew ... and his name was the Word of God. "
The Bible also says that his birth was just after the emergence of "Red Dragon" or the Red communism, who will try to kill him unsuccessfully (Rev. 12:5).
By the way, who would like to be a King. Your 99 percent of the personal freedom will be gone by being a King. The fundamental meaning of being a King is that you are a divine server to the people. In ancient China, according to the legend, the first emperor known as the Yellow Emperor, Huangdi was the teacher of the crop cultivation. He served people by saving them from hunger when the people were entirely relying on the berries and fruits picked off from the shrubs and trees. The knowledge of the farming was the ultimate technology that saved the people from starvation in the remote ancient Chinese society. Therefore, the true King should not be a dictator nor a destroyer, he/she should be the teacher and the savior (server) of the mankind.
Divine Principle
Principles of Creation
Who is Rev. Moon: What his Fruits and Famous People Say
Dr. Eue Jin
Hi, unicorn144. The Messiah didn't die. He completed 3, now 4 generations of his family and millions of blessed families that shall carry on God's TRUE LOVE, TRUE LIFE and TRUE LINEAGE throughout ETERNITY. This is now the "age of God's direct dominion", the "age after the coming of Heaven". If you can't sense it, maybe you should pray more? Good luck, brother unicorn. See you in Heaven.