News Update on the Reset:
The End is Near
Now the whole spirit world is united behind True Father Moon to lead the earth towards the complete liberation
By Rev. Yulian UTS / May 2021 / CIG News
I don't know why people write to me about Trump. I don't know much about him, but I like his cousin - Elvis Presley. Because he had the Divine Principle in his library. Coincidence? I don't know. And yes they have an interesting lineage. Hope to learn more about them.
Descendants of Abraham Lincoln, if you didn't know. At list that's what some stated relatives say. And they say, the 'Q' clearance Military movement is very old. Fighting for decades with the Cabal. Think, Lincoln, Gen. MacArthur, Nixon, Eisenhower, Reagan. Strange - All connected with Rev. Moon's work."Many humanitarians and moral leaders here in the spiritual world are working with Rev. Moon", Mandela explained and began to list; "Mahatma Gandhi, John Kennedy, and many UN leaders who are already in the spiritual world. Many more are coming and joining every day." Mandela speaks of a number of historical figures who now support Reverend Moon's efforts for world peace continuing in the spiritual world. "President Lincoln leads the group of US Presidents. Rev. Moon is mobilizing all the good spirit world to prepare to descend and work with on the earth from 2015, for bringing God's Ideal as soon as possible." Spiritual Message
"The mass movement, starting from Egypt, is happening in Libya and China, and it will go to North Korea and Korea. How can Korea survive? Today I came here to solve this. Nobody knows and nobody wants to know the breaking point of the restoration. Nobody is concerned about it reciprocally (to me)." tparents.orgThe more interesting part is: It's a miracle that Rev. Moon could survive, despite the fact that he exposed them ideologically and blocked many of the Cabal's plans, especially the take over of the world through Communism.
"The Moon tribe was consisted of members of the military and civil officials from Gogureyo (an ancient kingdom) in Korea. Why is Moon important? It is because everybody must pass through it to enter." (Katsumi: Father's family name is Moon and Father means here by Moon the Chinese character which is a gate)
Here are more FACTS:
Fact: Biden sniffing children, kissing their lips, touching intimate parts
Fact: Biden's island next to Epstein's pedophile island. Coincidence?
Fact: Trump started incredible clean up of pedophile rings on top levels
Fact: Trump signed executive orders to protect Husband/Wife family and protect Children from pedophile organizations
Fact: Trump stopped the money flow to immoral, abortion and communist organizations
"If you're not careful the newspaper will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." - Malcolm X
Tucker: How Many Died after Taking COVID Vaccines? "Average 30 people. a day, and that's only 1% of the real cases. See, THE COVID VAXXED MUST BE QUARANTINED! Expert Consensus. And did you see the TV report that Vaccines destroy the antibodies in your blood? Wow!
We are at War and Trump is still a War Time President: On Dec. 2023, the White House Government website (21:03) disclosed the previously secret Executive Order 13818... signed on the 20 Dec. 2007. A Global Defense War under act 50. It calls for international coalition against extraordinary security threat.
After this official disclosure, the US Department of Defense spokesman came on CBN News and declared that Biden is a president only of the Corporation (USA inc. illegally founded, and controlled by the Crown Corporation). This was done to avoid civil war, she explained, and the Military Tribunals are already undergoing secretly.
At this moment in time, we are healing the earth from the century-long satanic grip. Soon the fraud will be so overwhelming that the media will be forced to cover it
Do you realize the scale of what's happening? You see now facts about Israel be discussed on the main news, that previously was a complete taboo. This is impossible if the media was still under the Zionist mafia."80% is covert in this operation, only 20% is public. The world will otherwise collapse. We are destroying the 'Cult' that is running the world." Q
"Every media, that it was all Jewish, it is all gone. Everything that you read now or see on Fox News or CNN... is all scripted by our Military Media people. Every line... the news against Trump or for Trump, everything world wide," Najady sys. "All part of the Secret War." Read more
"The Bolshevic/Khazarian/Zionist Rothschilds put Israel on the Map. Rothschilds artificially inseminated the UK Royals. You must understand the past."
"No more Crown, Commonwealth, False Constitutions, Balfour Declaration, Big Pharma, Big Tech etc. The World As You Know it is leaving."
Election fraud was caught in real-time in November 2020. You are watching it all play out. More states will be doing audits. It's part of the wakeup show. This show has many, many other aspects.
Trump in recent interview: "People will be very, very happy when I make Certain Announcements! Stay Tuned.’’(4)You're seeing the cabals last kick in Israel. Time for deep cleaning. CIA, MOSSAD, and MI6 started every war in the last 70 years if you didn't know. We know the drill; they bomb themselves, to excuse killing and looting the Palestinians while portraying themselves as victims in the media they own. (5) But this time the White Hats are in control. Rockets were shot from Syria, but all the terrorists involved with that planning are taken down. (6)
We just learned from a high military source, "Wuhan Big Pharma Labs leads into 34 Satanic Buildings getting hit with Rods of God & Flooded." And yes,
"100 times more dangerous than the virus! It overwrites your original, God-given, program."
"Cabal Companies will collapse under their sheer weight of Corruption.Think Executive Order 1221 & SpaceForce Cyber."
"Global Martial Law. Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.Nesara/Gesara/RV. Military Tribunals/Confessions/10 day movie... NSA Operation." WhipLash
They are using the fake pandemic, riots, and all, just to keep in power. But they are doomed. Lights/Power switched off, Changing over to Tesla Free Energy.
"The Internet is being replaced by New Quantum Internet. See the Starlink Rocket Launches. Alpha & Beta versions. Alpha is 10,000 times as fast. Beta is about 7,500 + times as fast and ready to go. The Internet needs to be wiped of Operation Mockingbird. All new platforms are coming." WhipLash
“US has hundreds of vehicles that are more than capable of space flight. So we have a fleet of vehicles that are seemingly extraterrestrial. But if you know that, you will start questioning why we still use oil…”, that is why they keep all this secrecy, said Navy Seal, Bill Wood. “This space fleet… can go easily around the solar system without much time or any hindrance to the occupants.” Asked, How fast? He answered, “Incredibly fast… just below the speed of light.” (Video)
The Co-Founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, fondly called by many as the Mother of Peace for her decades of humanitarian service towards a world of lasting peace, delivered her Keynote Address in front of thousands of world leaders from 171 nations and million families from around the world.