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World Changed 10 Years After Rev. Moon Went to the Spirit World

The Energy of Change 10 Years After Rev. Moon Took Charge of the Spirit World

In 2023 everything changes for all. Expect the biggest flip. Light exposes the Dark. Evil will have no where to hide.

CIG News / January 2023

Now different sources report that, THE SATANIC SYSTEM IS CLEANING THEIR OLD GUARD, in desperate attempt to adjust to this age of upcoming Cosmic Peace and Unity. And both sides, GOOD AND EVIL WORK TOGETHER TO ABOLISH THE OLD WORLD PARADIGM.

2023 is a year of the black rabbit. The most deep and earnest wishes of everyone can become reality. Year of new beginning. Challenges will be great, but we will be given the tools to get to a different and a higher level. Many painful truths will be revealed. 

"In 2023 we are going to have 2 transitions. One of those transitions is the Financial Transition of the Global Economic System. The second transition is the health system - the Global Health System." (Gen. Flynn, 8 min)

This is the year to learn from the pain and rise as a Phoenix. Once you open your subconscious you will unavoidably see and feel God's pain. As I clarified in the previous CIG Report, this is THE 'END CLEAN UP PHASE'

10 Years of Work from the Spirit World

It is 10 years after the transition into the age of CIG; 10 years since Father Moon entered the spirit world. Ten is a full cycle - return to God. We will have to let the old go to open space for growth. I still remember sitting in front of Father in Belvedere, while he was explaining how he will create a news channel from the spirit world and reveal secrets that will change the course of humanity. See, Timelines Converge after 2012

Isn't it strange that Father specifically mentioned the secret of sinking Titanic, and that of Kennedy's assassination? It turns out, they are both related. Related to what? To money, and to Lucifer's control of this world. Kennedy's death is also related with Lincoln's death? And Father Moon promised to reveal these secrets from the Spirit World. See, TF: 'Who killed JFK'

The year 2012 is related with Father's entering the spirit world, and is exactly 100 years from when Titanic was sunken. A year later the owner of Titanic, JP Morgan and Rotschilds created the Federal Reserve, with 100 years contract. Their contract expired, and with 10 years of budged that they had, we come to their final collapse today, in 2023. See, Rev. Moon'S VICTORY OVER THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN

Video: Why Rev. Moon stressed the key question of importance: Who sunk Titanic?

Why Father Moon said it is important to reveal from the spirit world this secret? 

Now the complete story is out: It was done by those who created the Federal Reserve, 23. Dec.1913. It was founded by the Khazarian Satanist - Zionists. Titanic was a kill trap for the opposition. Sunken by Rockefellers, Morgans, Rothschild and Co. (ZIONISTS / KHAZARIAN MAFIA). The Captain and the Crew were to guarantee non of the opposing millionaires will survive. It got shot by an TORPEDO! (Video)

Why did Father say it is so important for humanity to learn this truth? '' See also, How KHAZARIAN Banksters OVERTOOK ENGLAND, and my previous CIG report clarifying how Queen's death signifies the death of the Wester political Military leadership,

Let me remind you, Fed was not just for the US, it was controlling all of the currencies of all countries in the world. Plus, 80% of all taxes, of all nations, were going in their private account in Switzerland. That's why nations never had enough left to prosper and take care for their people. The system was designed to keep us in slavery. See, REV. MOON: THE TRUE MEANING OF THE MESSIAH

If you don't know about the financial war behind, nothing will make sense. 

Today's world state"The bankers will ensure we stay in debt. The pharmaceutical companies will ensure we stay sick. The weapons manufacturers will ensure we keep going to war. The media will ensure we are prevented from knowing the truth. The Government will ensure all of this is done legally.

Now Satan is losing his power and his minions are desperately fighting for survival. To keep their power they are ready to kill even 90% of humanity. And to do that they devised bio engineered viruses, toxic vaccines, deadly frequency weapons, weather warfare, food and water poisoning, and much more. Yet, their own boat keeps sinking, and 2023 seems to be a decisive year for who is to win - God or Satan.

The Internal Fight 

The different levels within the Luciferian Cabal controlling the world are now in deadly internal struggle over who will take the control

The second contractors in this enslaving Financial System, after the Rothschild Khazarian-fake-Jews (representing the Dragon Families), were the Order of the Black Sun (controlling the Military, the Intel and other Secret Agencies). They thought that the Dragon Families and the Rothschilds have fallen. So, the Order of the Black Sun was trying to get control over the Fed, ever since the expiration of the contract. Thinking they are now gonna be in control and in power over the whole world. No, they are not, Kymberly said: And they were so busy to fight each other for power, that no one bothered to renew the contracts. 

"Since June 15, 2012, Fed legally has no right to print a new allocations. No right to print any countries' currency at all. They only pretend they have control. They had 10 year budged, which gave them another 10 years of a façade that these people are in control." Global Repository 

When the Families failed to pay the Fed, the Black Sun stepped in. As usual, each 1st of Jan, at 1000 terminals worldwide their top people are waiting for their money to come (for their Black Operations). But instead of cash, this time the terminal sent out frequency, Kim said. So they are no longer with us. So now, those below them, the Pentagon and Militaries wonder why can the Fed not print money. See, how that's a consequence of LUCIFER RETURNing TO THE ORIGINAL CREATION

"The Families do not have a contract anymore to have a private military. All Militaries in the world and all Agencies in the world are Corporations. They are private. They fall under the order of the Black Sun, who are managing them on behalf of the order of the Dragon. That contract expired in 2018." Kim

That was, when they requested to be given the full power over the banking system, or they will kill humanity with the Covid virus. The Lockdowns and vaccinations extended their reign for 3 more years. They are trying to Reset the System, remove the Banks and transit to Digital Currencies, that will allow them complete control of our behavior.  

We see hints of that in the movie, "Free Guy". Once  people awaked that they are in a program, the Owners of the Company rebooted the system back. Eventually all learned that was not the Original Program and stopped following. The evil owner no longer had the assets of police or army to suppress them. The movie ends, showing that the new world is free of Banking, free of fights and corruption. People redirected their creativity for love, helping each other and enjoying nature. 

Nothing these evil people are trying to do will work. It will not be permitted. With God's direct dominion we are entering in the Age of Light, no matter what they try to prevent that. 

Making Money from the War with the Invisible

Like with Covid. The real money are in the Vaccines. They normally make them hundreds of billions of dollars per year. Even vaccines for Rubella etc. that are no longer around, but they are still given to everyone. Plus, there are added extra ingredients in there that cause autism, and many other disorders. But now they are ushering a new thing. 

"The Covid Injection is not a dead virus, this is a mRNA operating system. A nanobot, a tiny mini computer that is going into your person, causing radiation poisoning, and you're basically microwaved from inside-out. In addition it causes auto-immune-disorder." KIM

Why all these Boosters. 70% of the profit from each vaccinated military person is shared among the generals. They are all here for the money. Add the control on the mask and tests manufacturing and distribution. All for money. They will certify who can do it, and they get 10% from everybody. Your state pays $6,40 for each mask. Your political leaders are blackmailed to buy all those vaccines. 

We know now, that the Black Elite, working through the Khazarian Bangsters and the Black Sun Military and Intelligence, were manipulating what we know of our national history. Now sources point that Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, etc. were all created after WWI to separate and re-educate Germany and Russia. In question is even Poland. See, UKRAINE WAS ARTIFICIALLY CREATED

"The Head of the order of the Black Sun is the Dark Prince position - the Pindar. But this is a rotating chair." 


Klaus Schwab's Pedophile Agenda

The Satanic Cabal is now desperately striving to restart the system, so that they can keep their evil control. Hacking our energy field and placing us under AI control. 

For sure, some change is happening. As reported previously and below in this article, the Global Repository Enforcement (their military unit) now removes some of the top Black Generals, and requests the operatives below them to stop with their plans and accept payment and projects under the Global Repository. 

It was also reported, that Klaus Schwab Rothschild, was eliminated recently. Surely they will try to place an actor with mask to continue with their evil agendas. But now we know, that Schwab inherited a fortune amassed from slave labor in concentration camps, according to Polish intelligence. And on the usual date:

"Nobody showed up at the Davos Group Meeting. Celebrities and World Leaders declined to attend. The Davos Group aka World Economic Forum Elites from the richest families that control Blackrock and Vanguard (the Cabal) Central Banking System that controls Big Tech and Big Pharma and the Pandemic." Situation Update

The meeting was started a month later but with smaller attendance and mostly to allow their evil agenda be exposed. People are awaking that the Green Agenda is just a way to start charging us for the air we breath, and what we consume, in a Nazi attempt to imprison us. Prove of that was that attendants were chased by people journalists attacking them for their evildoings, which in real life would never happen. See, THE GREEN SCAM OF THE LUCIFER CULT: WEATHER WARFARE

We see, the World Economic Forum Declares Pedophiles ‘Will Save Humanity’. How? Perverting sexually young people will prevent most of them create families in the future. That, they claim, will save the world from over-population. Satanic idiots! So, they want to decriminalize sex with children. Wasn't that their stated goal in the Humanist Manifesto? They openly say, 'Jesus is a fake news, now humans are a hackable animals.' 

Censoring the Truth and Harassing Governments 

Twitter files now reveal the unconstitutional censorship intervention of FBI in all media. This defames and undermines the constitutional protection of freedom of information. (FOX News)

Col. Doug Macgregor, explained the media misinformation about Ukraine, and said, we need more free speech platforms. He said, politicians are lying and media is fully supporting their lies. (27:40 min

"Be allowed to even talk about it. Censorship! Do Google search, go to Yahoo, try to do searches. You can't find it. It's suppressed. That's why." (25:31

They use also other means of censoring and controlling the countries. The IMF and World Bank use food as a weapon to control other nations and their governments. (See) By forcing countries to only produce export crops for paying their debts. This leads to oversupply of their production that brings down the price. Plus, if the country does something they don't like, they can sanction it, by starving it. Isn't that a global mafia, of the worse kind? 


Col. Doug Macgregor: Ukraine has been Weaponized by UK and US against Russia

It has been confirmed that the CIA was behind the 2014 Coup in Ukraine that killed hundreds of innocent men, women and children in order to install a NAZI New World Order government. This was pre-planed to provoke Putin to interfere. Human engineering is in full swing, replacing 20 million people out of Ukraine in accordance with the Zionist plan to create a New Israel in their historic Khazarian land of origin. See, Drug and child trafficking rings, Baal and Nazi worshiping in Ukraine.

"US Military... made a deal with Putin, who died in 2015, to cut up different areas of Ukraine. (While) Biden's son is sitting on the board of the largest gas company in Odesa after the 2014 incident." Kim

Kimberley (KIM) further explains, that "wars haven't make money since the Treaty of Versailles stopped paying years ago." But they still make some through trafficking or other illegal operations. 

War makes money because it creates excess spending... and will destroy things, that people have to rebuild society. Contracts to rebuild will be given to partners of the Military that are involved. 

The Lineage War 

In this war between God and Satan, the main focus was the lineage. Satan always wanted to gain control of our DNA, restructure it, so that our bodies may no longer be object to our own spirit and facilitate spiritual growth. Instead, he wanted soulless, human vаsals without conscience. 

Luring the elite into the Illuminati and Secret Masonic and other organizations was not enough. Our DNA was constantly bombarded in numerous ways, including the Vaccinations, to prevent our spiritual development. 

When our DNA returns where it was originally our bodies will able to heal itself. You won't need med beds. The DNA works like a crystal.  

3000 cities planned in greater China, Eco-Cities that are pretty much self-contained. They produce no waist. Produce no smug whatsoever. Everything is high-tech as it can be. Not only solar and wind, but magnetic power, magnetic lev-trains. Everything that you could imagine, that can define eco friendly cities. So, we don't have to get rid of people to go green. 

By protocol spread worldwide, drugs are given to hospitals and doctors to commit genocide. The target for UK is to reduce the population weekly by 1642 people. That will give them great financial benefits. That's the enemy that we have. 

With mRNA vaccines Bill Gates aims to genetically modify even the animals, making them GMO animals. This will destroy and hack all natural, God created world. We will eat animal products that will modify our human DNA into something else. Something patented by these Lucifer worshiping elites. Think of it; Once our DNA is changed, is there way back? Read, Vaccines to Eliminate the God Gene Proposed by Bill Gates. Bill Gates himself said, he wants to remove the part of our genes connected to spirituality. They are working to turn us into animals.

Expect Big Financial Changes

Talking about the wind of change, the world was controlled by money, and that's where the biggest change is happening right now. 

"Federal regulators shuttered Silicon Valley Bank, headquartered in Santa Clara, California, on Friday, sending shockwaves through the market." The Washington Times

Notice what they did with the US Treasury. A fence was built around it, without a gate. (49:40 min)  White House is also empty for more than a year. FBI building, State Department building all empty, nobody in there. The place is a ghost town. Fences all over the place. You cannot get into anything. 

  • Fed is broke. All currencies are already Gold-Backed. "We would soon see an official announcement that the IRS and Fed were gone." 
The IRS being kicked to the curb with their 87,000 agents gone. This is the first act of the new Senate in effort of prohibiting the harassment of the citizens by the government. (Video) And now Republicans voting on removing IRS completely. Removing the Tax on our labor. 

The contract of the Fed was for 99 years. It was created as a found for monetary control worldwide. It expired in 2011 and was not renewed. So, it no longer had the backing of the Alpha system (Global Repository), where allocation numbers are given for printing new money. Now the fight, who is going to have the power to give Allocations for new money. Well, future is in front of us to build it. Let's build it according to God's Ideal. Aju! 

Will New Technologies Transform the World

So, if we believe their own words, the Space Force was created to bring some of the secret technologies out, and prepare for a new, free of banking financial system, free of war political paradigm, and free of slavery production paradigm. Meaning, robots and printers will produce most of the stuff. And the Space Force will be the umbrella, guaranteeing the safe use, the internet networking and communications, as well as all the traveling, which will transit to the new anti-gravity, free energy tech. Meaning, fly to any point on the earth in half an hour for very, very small money, since that's no expense with the tech they already have. 
  • Space Force have already taken over the Department of Defense Military Satellite System.
According to this US Space Force lecture, these technologies already exist. Even houses and buildings can be printed in space and delivered to anywhere on earth for pennies. We will be able to travel cheaply to any point on earth in less than an hour. See more


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Beware of What's Coming

Beware of What's Coming
We are now moving together into a new high-vibration space, where there are completely different physical laws and where Time will behave differently.

By YuliUTS / 10 Feb. 2021 / Unification Research

MUST-READ and see these VIDEOS: Wow! China is going to be liberated from Communism - Rev. Moon's words fulfilled.

Isn't that THE VICTORY of our True Parents, Rev. and Mrs. Moon? They could inspire world leaders to work with them for Peace. Knowing that all leaders were willingly or unwillingly under the Cabal control, imagine how big victory that is. Isn't that the beauty; To make all those people support God's Will? Isn't that the REAL VICTORY for God? Isn't that THE ONLY WAY to transform this Satanic world into God's World?
Dear Unificationist, be assured, behind these external political games much bigger global transformation is going full scale, preparing the way for the Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity (CIG). The external events are only expression of the movement of the spiritual world.
THE SITUATION IN SHORT: At the moment we see an ongoing operation for waking up humanity. As sources say, "Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is now the de facto Director (of the Corporation US) as interim caretaker, so-called President Joe Biden is holding his oval office appearances at the Castle Rock, Amazon Studios in Culver City, California." (*) 

And remember, that's just for the show; Bezos is already arrested, which is the real reason he stepped down as a CEO. (See official record of arrested people)
- Trump is the president if they are trying to impeach him
- Gen. Flynn said, if you bet Trump is president, you won the bet
- Media is already under the good guys (even if not making it obvious)
The White House in Washington DC remains empty (lights off each night); "press office and WH press contacts phone numbers have been disconnected." (***) It is just a matter of time before the leaders and the society "realize there is no physical Biden (just a Double and CGI)." The fact that US is under Military control was explained in our previous article. (See)
''The Deep State (with it's Satanic power) will cease to exist when it is all exposed. Yet, the Truth takes time to shine out of the fog of the propaganda." 
As SantaSurfing wrote, "How do you destroy the mockingbird media? Script a movie, feed them a false narrative that tickles their ears, and let them run with it and self destruct. Trap set. They'll never recover from it. Trump controls the narrative. Checkmate." So what happens when the false Biden recordings from the BlackRock Studio stop? Boom! Many lies that media was propagating will now start getting exposed. 

It's a historic truth that the Nazi-Killers and Covid-Pandemic-Creators were paid by the same eight Central-Banks owning families! Rev. Moon said he will make a news channel from the Spirit World and reveal who killed JFK, and sank Titanik. HOW STRANGE - it happened now - and turned out THE BANKERS DID IT, so that they can kill the opposition and establish the Fed.Reserve. When JFK tried to remove the Fed from these private bankers, he was assassinated. Truth is coming!
In 2008 was discovered that “most of the victims of the Spanish Flu didn’t die from the flu. They died from bacterial pneumonia caused by wearing masks” [2]
100 million at that time died from the Vaccine itself [3]
These days the evidence of election fraud was revealed. Shocking! What's more shocking however was the video of the Capital invasion, produced with actors, even staging a false murder [1] The truth about this false pandemic has to also come out. They were controlling the media and changing the truth for ages.

We are being Vaccinated (Nano-chipped) without knowing:

The Game is Changing

What to expect? As we reported in the previous article, China's Communist Party will be dismantled. From Conspiracy Theory the vastly spread Pedophile rings will become a proven fact. The crimes committed with the Lockdowns and the Vaccinations will be not only exposed but prosecuted. 
As Benjamin Fulford reported: 
According to Japanese military intelligence, the Chinese Communist Party is about to lose power. The reason is that the Taiwanese faction, linked to the old royal families of Ming, Sun and Tang, has activated its 8 million members of its secret society in mainland China. They did so in response to the attempted invasion of Taiwan and because the CCP killed millions of people in Wuhan with their reckless 5G activation. This means that people from China and the United States are fighting the same satanic enemy.

Also, if you don't think pedophilia is real, look at what happened in just one Catholic orphanage in Germany. [ 6 Young boys have been sold as sex toys for decades. Certainly, this was not an isolated incident, child sex slavery, etc. it was systematic and took place all over the world. [7]

In another example, Republican Interior Minister Ruben A. Verastigi was arrested last night on suspicion of possessing and distributing highly violent child pornography depicting babies raped by older men, police said. He was quoted as saying, "When the baby screams, it's my favorite." [8]

Also, the systematic removal of all persons involved in the crime with Covid 19 continues, according to MI6 sources and the Russian FSB. All the Vaccination crimes will be also exposed. A real-time statistic is available for the hundreds of deaths and paralyzes, caused by the ongoing vaccinations. See, LIST OF DEATHS REPORTED AFTER COVID-19 VACCINATION  

Tribunals are coming Tribunals are coming
"What happens in America affects the whole world."

As I hear, Tribunals are approaching in the US. People will see just how much things were cooked. Myanmar Military just overthrew their government, claiming massive election fraud, and arrested their civilian “leaders”. This move was a sample to see if Military control of the US should be made public. Be sure in different forms that will happen with all corrupt governments. Let's be real, isn't the same corruption in most governments? (See the lawsuits US) Isn't it time to take them all down and move to a new, uncorrupted, God-centered system (A totally new paradigm).
Big things are happening. Looks like event is made behind the scenes.
We may now know the real reason why the White House has gone dark for several days subsequent to the fake inauguration. Shocking video from undercover investigations shows that thousands of children have been rescued from bunkers located underneath the White House and the United States Capitol. (9)

Believe me, this is a spiritual shift. Heaven will no longer allow all this dirt. The whole spirit world is mobilized by Father Moon in cleansing the world in preparation for the establishment of the Cosmic Nation of Heaven and Earth (united). 

When spiritual light shines no sin is hidden

Attorney Lin Wood dropped a MOAB, disclosing that Epstein is alive and well, and, it turns out, in the government’s Witness Protection Program. (1) He had documents and computer records that could cripple the Deep State and Democratic establishment. Trump’s team rescued Epstein from prison and placed him in witness protection. He’s implicated the Clintons, the Obamas, and the whole Biden family. He has records and pictures and video of Joe and Hunter Biden visiting Epstein Island seventeen times in the last five years. There’s a video of Joe and Hunter double-teaming.

"To prevent the facts to come out, the Cabal owned Media is always attacking the messenger. Portraying them like crazy."

Lin Wood, a lawyer for Trump writes: "We need to bring pedophiles to justice.  It is not easy.  They are adept at hiding their perverse crimes against children.  We have to start at the bottom and finish at the top. 

"We all know the Big named players have already been arrested, GITMOED, dealt with and we are watching Body Doubles, Masked wo/men, etc.  Enjoy the show!" Santa Surfing wrote.

How can you believe Big Pharma and not believe the thousands of parents whose children became victims of the Vaccines?

Hollywood has conditioned us for decades with CGI. The media has conditioned us with lies. Trump and the team are now reconditioning us all. Operation Mockingbird meets Operation Great Awakening! We're never going back to sleep.

Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting

Trump lawyers say FBI confirms that Jan. 6 riot was planned several days ahead of trump's speech, and therefore had nothing to do with the speech (Reuters)

All the media attacks and the hysteria over the Capitol invasion turned out to be a 'set up'. The simulated riots in DC was a powder-keg long in the making. In this video, we're going to show you how a little stage direction and fake blood became an instrumental role in furthering the division of the nation. 


The Q Plan: According to the Script

What kind of presidents we like to see as Unificationists? Presidents who meet TPs and do nothing, or Presidents who do God's Will, Create Peace, Protect Family, and help Unite North and South Korea, as Trump did?

When Trump got into office and hit the ground running and set up the EOs pertaining to human trafficking do you think he and the Military waited until now to take the main Cabal players out? Why do you think Q has a 6th sense for telling  the future events? Leaked info is part of the plan. The timeline for the awakening. Everything on the list declared executed, arrested or on house arrest has already happened. 

What is the Q connection between JFK Jr., Michal Jackson and Diana?

Why do you think Castle Rock needed to be done? (The studio where Biden is recorded) Because this is the plan to awaken everyone, to avoid civil if not global war, and ease people into the reality of where our country and world was going. This was all done clandestine ops. 

In 2017 Trump had every major head of countries acknowledging him as the leader. This is all a movie. They already wrote the script that is why Q is Q. To allow us all to do our own research, come to our own conclusions and hopefully be awake when all is revealed. Have Faith! Remember that this is Great Awakening!

Most of Q's posts are about the depth and width of the global deep state network; about the global control structure, how the entire government was corrupt, the media was corrupt, the medical system was corrupt, big tech, Hollywood...and much more. These things sound obvious now.

Q said in drop 2473 that the fun starts right after the Super Bowl, and whatever it is, it will make the Super Bowl look like a puppy show. What happens right after the Super Bowl? The hearing of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 

Father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, cared less of how Communists think. So much less, that he created Victory Over Communism and the best ideological exposure of Marxism. Father Moon cared so much less for these SATANIC LEFT FORCES, that he send lecturers all over the world to educate governments in CAUSA. FATHER cared so little about the COMMUNIST EXPANSION, that he made the biggest Anti-Communist rally in Korea - to save the nation, from that invasion.

The Red Dragon: Liberating China

The Positive Military and the Red and Blue Dragons are conducting operations behind the scenes to prepare for the Event. China will be liberated from the Communism. Here is some prehistory: 
Communist China recently celebrated its 70th birthday, and as Rev. Moon predicted, Communist regimes will not survive longer than 70 years.
The events that took place at the Qing Imperial Court in the 18th century have a much greater impact on the current geopolitical situation than most people realize.
In the early 19th century, the Rothschilds took control of China through the Opium Wars.
The Red Dragon families come from a positive faction whose goal is to defeat their sworn enemies, the Jesuits (Satanist practitioners) and the Rothschilds.

The Red Dragons originate from the military forces of the Ming dynasty. Manchu tribes that invaded from the north, took over Beijing and started the Qing dynasty. Then Qing emperor Kangxi invited Jesuits to China (The Jesuits - practitioners of Satanism, originators of the Communism; Marx, Lenin... were Jesuits (See Documentary)): The Red Dragons were working secretly in the Qing imperial court and in the military forces against Manchu and Jesuit invaders.
"The origin of Communism lies in Jesuism." Documentary
"When the Manchus invaded China in 1644, the Ming army became an underground society aimed at overthrowing the Qing (Manchu) and restoring the Ming. They supported the Boxer Rebellion but were put down by imperialist powers. Later, with the help of overseas Chinese and the Japanese imperial family, the society managed to overthrow the last Emperor and install Sun Yat Sen in his place. They last appear in the history books as the Green Gang and the Red Gang that fiercely fought the Communists in Shanghai in the 1940's. They were defeated by the Communists in 1949 and once again became an underground organization. Since 1949 they have steadily increased their influence throughout China and the rest of the world. They have members at the very highest levels of the Chinese government but they are by nature anti NWO, and are not an official Chinese government organization."

The Red are now active in Taiwan and to a degree also in Japan through this organization. Taiwan will have a very important role in the Event which can not be disclosed yet. From Cobra
Do you think, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the biggest Anti-communist, is not known to them? Why do you think Unificationism is so well accepted in Taiwan and the region? Many secrets, yet to be revealed! 
You need to understand that Red Dragons today are not the same as soldiers of a Ming emperor. They have kept up with the progress of technology and they have access to considerable military power in a way that will not be described here. Also, their computer specialists are savvy enough to reset the global financial system with the push of a button if the need for that arises.

New Quantum GESARA Elections are coming all around the world. Electing Governments 10% the size of what they are after military has made them all stand down. God Wins!

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News Update on the Reset:
The End is Near

Now the whole spirit world is united behind True Father Moon to lead the earth towards the complete liberation

By Rev. Yulian UTS /  May 2021 / CIG News

I don't know why people write to me about Trump. I don't know much about him, but I like his cousin - Elvis Presley. Because he had the Divine Principle in his library. Coincidence? I don't know. And yes they have an interesting lineage. Hope to learn more about them. 

Descendants of Abraham Lincoln, if you didn't know. At list that's what some stated relatives say. And they say, the 'Q' clearance Military movement is very old. Fighting for decades with the Cabal. Think, Lincoln, Gen. MacArthur, Nixon, Eisenhower, Reagan. Strange - All connected with Rev. Moon's work. 

There are evidences for Trump being on the evil side, as well as some of being a good guy. More important is, how God will use him. Several sources and events now point that, The SATANIC SYSTEM is Cleaning their OLD GUARD, in desperate attempt to adjust to this age of upcoming Cosmic Peace and Unity. And both sides, GOOD AND EVIL Work Together to ABOLISH THE OLD WORLD PARADIGM.

Video: The Parallel between Lincoln and Kennedy's assassinations. Watching this you realize we are being governed and manipulated by an Occult. And this Occult has something to do with printing the Money. And it does not tolerate those who want to take from them that Lucifer-given right. 

The claim is that Donald Trump is related to the Kennedy Family, and Gen. Flinn is also from that family three. (See, 21:58 min) Are they faking it to get control over the real good guys? Or is the Kennedy Family and Q movement just an inner fight in the Deep State structures, between the Black Sun Cult (the Jesuits) and the Dragon Families (the Khazarian Mafia)? We are yet to learn.  

And yet, if Lincoln was a real good guy, fighting with these evil Bankgsters, no wonder Lincoln is now the leader of the American presidents in the spirit world, working with Rev. Moon to help clean up the earth. I told you about that 7 years ago, if you didn't listen carefully. See, NELSON MANDELA: MESSAGE FROM THE SPIRIT WORLD:

"Many humanitarians and moral leaders here in the spiritual world are working with Rev. Moon", Mandela explained and began to list; "Mahatma Gandhi, John Kennedy, and many UN leaders who are already in the spiritual world. Many more are coming and joining every day." Mandela speaks of a number of historical figures who now support Reverend Moon's efforts for world peace continuing in the spiritual world. "President Lincoln leads the group of US Presidents. Rev. Moon is mobilizing all the good spirit world to prepare to descend and work with on the earth from 2015, for bringing God's Ideal as soon as possible." Spiritual Message

So here is what they say: "Abraham Lincoln had 4 Children. 2 of those were sent to Libya. William Wallace Lincoln & his Brother Tad Lincoln. Tad Lincoln was DJT & Elvis's Grandfather. Elvis, DJT, JFK & Joseph & Julian Assange are all cousins. The HH, John G Trump & Nikola Tesla connection is very important. Download the TESLA FILES on FBI VAULT from 2019 & see for yourselves." 

Lincoln officially doesn’t have any living descendants.

The 2 sons survived after hiding in Lybia under different names. There is a movie made about this grandfather. Not the only ones, who had to hide from the Cabal and go in hidden; But that's how the resistance movement grew up in secrecy through the centuries. (That's what we know so far - time will reveal the complete picture)

Why did Father Moon say:
"The mass movement, starting from Egypt, is happening in Libya and China, and it will go to North Korea and Korea. How can Korea survive? Today I came here to solve this. Nobody knows and nobody wants to know the breaking point of the restoration. Nobody is concerned about it reciprocally (to me)." tparents.org
The more interesting part is: It's a miracle that Rev. Moon could survive, despite the fact that he exposed them ideologically and blocked many of the Cabal's plans, especially the take over of the world through Communism. 
"The Moon tribe was consisted of members of the military and civil officials from Gogureyo (an ancient kingdom) in Korea. Why is Moon important? It is because everybody must pass through it to enter." (Katsumi: Father's family name is Moon and Father means here by Moon the Chinese character which is a gate) tparents.org
Trust me, I don't believe that something great is coming because I trust politicians, the military, or somebody else. No! I trust God! I know that the spirit world is moving with great power under the command of True Father Moon. That's why after 2012 the world has nowhere to go but change according to God's Will. As we all know Father's heart very well, he will not let any of the evil plans, causing pain to God, continue. Since 2012 there is only one possible timeline, victory for the good side. 

And well, it is so great that some John the Baptist figures were prepared by God long ago. It's time for their efforts to merge with ours. It's wonderful that Donal Trump's spiritual advisor has participated in the Rallies and true Mother had meetings with her, on the issue of reunification of Korea. How do you think he had exactly the right attitude to meet with the NK leader? And by the way, why was the Video he presented made by our Studio, with our materials, and our ideas? Think of it; he is the only president who didn't start any war.
Here are more FACTS:
Fact: Biden sniffing children, kissing their lips, touching intimate parts 
Fact: Biden's island next to Epstein's pedophile island. Coincidence?
Fact: Trump started incredible clean up of pedophile rings on top levels
Fact: Trump signed executive orders to protect Husband/Wife family and protect Children from pedophile organizations
Fact: Trump stopped the money flow to immoral, abortion and communist organizations
I cannot but feel pity for members who are still sleeping after all that, still trusting the false liberal media and resenting Trump. How painful to see how in their ignorance they support a pedophile, sniffing young boys and girls, involved in corruption with hundreds of millions of dollars. But don't worry, it will all come out soon. If you want to know how Communism will collapse in China and North Korea, please read my article, BEWARE OF WHAT'S COMING.
"If you're not careful the newspaper will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." - Malcolm X
Thank God in the last video our HQ have deleted the scientist promoting Vax, she no longer appears. This was a big failure, to let such people deviate Mother's Rally of Hope from its true and sublime purpose. 

Who started Big Pharma in 1870? Big Pharma Labs is owned by? The 2 Wuhan Labs are owned by? Really Simple. The labs where Viruses are Man-Made just like AIDS & many others.  See, Mass Vaccination Triggers Sharp Spike in Cases & Deaths! +Must Video

Senate Committee on State Affairs: “Vaccines can very well be a threat to their health and safety… These Vaccines have not been formally approved by the FDA… 30 people a day are dying from these vaccines… plus thousands of heart attacks and almost 8000 hospitalizations… Can have significant side effects… life long disabilities.” 

Tucker: How Many Died after Taking COVID Vaccines? "Average 30 people. a day, and that's only 1% of the real cases. See, THE COVID VAXXED MUST BE QUARANTINED! Expert Consensus. And did you see the TV report that Vaccines destroy the antibodies in your blood? Wow! 

Now link up all the Oil Refineries & Medical/Vaccine Factories/Labs being bombed or set alight.

The End of the Dual Presidency is Near

“In USA this inner war with the dual presidency is going to change and we gonna take a lot of people out of power, because of corruption... We gonna reverse this fraudulent vote... It’s going to be very dramatic… but this is going to happen and we gonna be just fine. And we gonna take back this under control. It will be traumatizing for too much of the world, but you know what, we’ve got this. We gonna be just fine.” Juan O’ Savin

The purpose of this reset is not to destroy the good ones with the bad ones, he explained. Trump is really managing the bankruptcy of the United States. That’s his role. To wipe off these fraudsters and restore the wealth to the original owners - the people. It’s gonna be a tedious process. In his words, "Not everyone gonna be happy."

We are at War and Trump is still a War Time President: On Dec. 2023, the White House Government website (21:03) disclosed the previously secret Executive Order 13818... signed on the 20 Dec. 2007. A Global Defense War under act 50. It calls for international coalition against extraordinary security threat.

After this official disclosure, the US Department of Defense spokesman came on CBN News and declared that Biden is a president only of the Corporation (USA inc. illegally founded, and controlled by the Crown Corporation). This was done to avoid civil war, she explained, and the Military Tribunals are already undergoing secretly. 

Do you realize the scale of what's happening?

At this moment in time, we are healing the earth from the century-long satanic grip. Soon the fraud will be so overwhelming that the media will be forced to cover it 

Do you realize the scale of what's happening? You see now facts about Israel be discussed on the main news, that previously was a complete taboo. This is impossible if the media was still under the Zionist mafia. 
"80% is covert in this operation, only 20% is public. The world will otherwise collapse. We are destroying the 'Cult' that is running the world." Q
The biggest moves are made behind the scenes. Definitely not on the mainstream media. SO, FOLLOW my updates CAREFULLY

The Media is Already Taken

So yes! The media is already taken under the good guys. Soon the movie we are shown will start to merge with actuality. Israel and the media were saved for last. 

"Every media, that it was all Jewish, it is all gone. Everything that you read now or see on Fox News or CNN... is all scripted by our Military Media people. Every line... the news against Trump or for Trump, everything world wide," Najady sys. "All part of the Secret War." Read more

You see most of the evil journalists completely gone and replaced with new more innocent ones, that still imitate to be on the evil side, yet allowing lots of truth. Many forbidden questions are now coming through. Especially about Israel, right now. 
"The Bolshevic/Khazarian/Zionist Rothschilds put Israel on the Map. Rothschilds artificially inseminated the UK Royals. You must understand the past."
Many documentaries of the evils that slowly are to be revealed to society are constantly being shown on many of the news channels. Problems with pedophilia in the Royal family are discussed; Israeli bombing on innocent families. 

People were censored and even killed in the past for such information. You Tube videos were blocked. But now the media owned by these very criminals is reporting it openly. Unbelievable! Completely exposing documentaries are being shown in the main TV channels. Wow! You must be brain-dead not to realize what's actually happening. 

Biggest child sex abuse platform taken down

German police have busted the “Boystown” child sex abuse platform with over 400,000 members

Did you sleep while, with Trump's coming, a huge operation to clean up pedophile networks and child trafficking started? Hollywood, Epstein, Royals, Bankers... all kind of untouchable people were suddenly in a run. And members still sleep, not knowing Trump is on the good side? Wow! 

In Social media, there is also a huge undergoing cleaning process. One of the most prolific child sexual abuse platforms on the web with over 400,000 users, was taken offline and admins were arrested in a multi-agency operation. Many more arrests to follow (EUROPOL). New and new arrests of pedophile groups are nearly daily news in the last year or so. A few days ago over 150 missing children found by North Carolina Police. 

Quiet 18-month project complete in Berlin/Underworld Boys city Tunnels closed/SEALED

"There are about 75 Cartel organizations that are controlling the trafficking of women and children. This is slavery." "Thousands of small children are being brought across our border to be sold for sex." See this Documentary about Child Sex Trafficking in America (Video). 

Documentary 12Bill Gates, controlling Media, using Fact Checkers, to hide his synthetic burgers from aborted babies and damage caused by his Depopulation-Vaccines. (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

100 CEOs ruled the world

The problem goes way back before the Freemasons or Jesuits. They are the end of the line, not the beginning. See, History of Satanism

The truth will be so difficult for society to swallow at once. Most of the history we are told is lies. Everything from 1871 is being wiped completely as it has been deemed Illegal. The true face of those we admired will show. 

100 CEOs are the ones who really rule the world under the directions of the Cabal. (2) Yes, we admired most of them, for they were given this position of power and money by the Cabal. Hired to bring down America. 21 assignments planned; Power off, Gas off, Water off, groceries shutdown, Vaccine depopulation, Israel/Palestine… Hell on earth. 

How do they control everything? Biden is not in control. Before he puts his executive order, before the ink is even dry on the paper, immediately these corporations take action. But their plans keep getting blocked by the White Hats. 
"No more Crown, Commonwealth, False Constitutions, Balfour Declaration, Big Pharma, Big Tech etc. The World As You Know it is leaving."
The English Royal Crown is being Removed from Existence. They will bear no control over anyone anymore. The amazing part was, I saw that on the TV news. My wife saw it too on the TV at her work. Huge! They officially resigned from all these positions, the news said. 

Election Fraud: The Cards are Falling

Reports are surfacing that Arizona hasn’t found one single vote for Biden yet that wasn’t illegal... One million illegal votes were cast for Biden. Wait when the facts of his corruption come out.

Election fraud was caught in real-time in November 2020. You are watching it all play out. More states will be doing audits. It's part of the wakeup show. This show has many, many other aspects.
Trump in recent interview: "People will be very, very happy when I make Certain Announcements! Stay Tuned.’’(4)
You're seeing the cabals last kick in Israel. Time for deep cleaning. CIA, MOSSAD, and MI6 started every war in the last 70 years if you didn't know. We know the drill; they bomb themselves, to excuse killing and looting the Palestinians while portraying themselves as victims in the media they own. (5) But this time the White Hats are in control. Rockets were shot from Syria, but all the terrorists involved with that planning are taken down. (6)


We just learned from a high military source, "Wuhan Big Pharma Labs leads into 34 Satanic Buildings getting hit with Rods of God & Flooded." And yes,

Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code
"100 times more dangerous than the virus! It overwrites your original, God-given, program."

U.S. laboratories cannot find Covid-19 in any of the 1,500 positive tests. 90% of the tests were false, experts say. The death rate during Covid was the same as any other year. Yet, businesses and livelihoods are being destroyed because of compliance with insane Nazi-style restrictions. However, the real pandemic is coming with the Vaccines these criminals impose. 

Already more than 13,000 deaths are reported officially by CDC, as a result of the experimental COVID injections. Experts say that only 1% of the actual cases get reported. Think of the real death rates. This is a real genocide. No wonder, many predict some upcoming Nuremberg-style tribunals. TIME TO WAKE UP

And it started! More than 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 medical experts initiated legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO, and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. (7) During the Nuremberg trials, the media were also prosecuted and members were killed for lying to the public. 

Violation of Nuremberg Code 1: No person should be forced to take a medical experiment without informed consent. Now they forced people without even providing information about the negative effects and the dangers of this gene therapy. Skipped animal experiments and went directly to human experiments which is a violation of Nuremberg Code 3. 

CDC VAERS reporting system shows over 4,000 deaths and 50,000 vaccine injuries in the United States. In the EU, more than 7,000 deaths and 365,000 vaccine injuries are reported. This is a serious violation of Nuremberg Code 4.

Nuremberg Code 6 states that "The risk should never exceed the benefit." Covid-19 has a recovery rate of 98-99%. Vaccine damage, death, and adverse side effects far outweigh this risk. The CDC is fully aware that the use of leaky vaccines facilitates the emergence of hotter (more deadly) strains. Yet they have ignored this. Instead, they make plans to make this deadly vaccine mandatory. This is a violation of Nuremberg Code 7: "Protect from even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death."

According to Nuremberg Code 9: "Everyone must have the freedom to end the experiment at any time." Yet, despite the call from over 85,000 doctors, nurses, virologists, and epidemiologists – the experiment does not end. Instead, they changed laws to enforce compliance.
"Cabal Companies will collapse under their sheer weight of Corruption.
Think Executive Order 1221 & SpaceForce Cyber."
Collapse: Oil, Hospitals, Auto-industry, McDonalds

Look at the Oil, Medical/ Vaccine Labs being bombed or set on fire.
See Taiwan, UK & India.

The whole medical system is going to collapse. Hospitals all over the world are being Cyber Attacked. They are shutting down Elective Surgeries & other treatments ie Cancer Treatments. Med Beds on the way. (8) Old Treatments are Obsolete. 

Since yesterday, there have been major cyber attacks on automotive suppliers and carmakers in Germany, like Audi, BMW... But nothing in the news. This is Precision Cyber Attack on Cabal Companies.

Type "McDonalds" In Search Bar. See how many McDonalds across the planet have been shut down under Covid. 100's!

German airports have no planes. (9) Massive Zero-Day Cyber Attack. Planes & Trains will stop. Global Stock Market Collapse. 34 satanic buildings & dams bombed. Lincoln descendent just wrote a few days ago:
"Global Martial Law. Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.
Nesara/Gesara/RV. Military Tribunals/Confessions/10 day movie... NSA Operation." WhipLash

The End is Near: QFS at hand

Yes, the End is Near. We are nearing the finish line.

This is a transition to a new and much healthier system of world governance; That includes the collapse of the Rothchild Banking Cartel and the existing dysfunctional economic and political system.

They are using the fake pandemic, riots, and all, just to keep in power. But they are doomed. Lights/Power switched off, Changing over to Tesla Free Energy.
"The Internet is being replaced by New Quantum Internet. See the Starlink Rocket Launches. Alpha & Beta versions. Alpha is 10,000 times as fast. Beta is about 7,500 + times as fast and ready to go. The Internet needs to be wiped of Operation Mockingbird. All new platforms are coming." WhipLash
Simon Parkes: QFS: The Quantum Financial System is in preparation to go off. Simon was recruited by the military to assist the process. He gives interesting inside. Work tax will be removed, life will become easier. Production of many things will become cheaper. 

In case you missed it, in December 2020 Chinese spacecraft landed on the Moon. (8) This is the beginning of the colonization of space. In space, there is plenty of resources for humanity to develop. 
“US has hundreds of vehicles that are more than capable of space flight. So we have a fleet of vehicles that are seemingly extraterrestrial. But if you know that, you will start questioning why we still use oil…”, that is why they keep all this secrecy, said Navy Seal, Bill Wood. “This space fleet… can go easily around the solar system without much time or any hindrance to the occupants.” Asked, How fast? He answered, “Incredibly fast… just below the speed of light.” (Video)
Now UK is building the world’s first airport... for flying cars. Autonomous Cars, Flying Car Airports being built. Wireless Technology all this year.

The Age of Peace
The Future is bright. We will be the generation when everything changed for the better!

The Universal Peace Federation (NGO in general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations), was hosting a series of online virtual summits under the title, The Rally of Hope.

The Co-Founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, fondly called by many as the Mother of Peace for her decades of humanitarian service towards a world of lasting peace, delivered her Keynote Address in front of thousands of world leaders from 171 nations and million families from around the world. 

Ban Ki-moon, former UN Secretary-General who gave the welcoming address in August 2020, is now one of our think-tank planning committee members. As you remember, Rev. Paula White, spiritual advisor to President Donald Trump, gave her special remarks at the same event. There were congratulatory messages from the Hon. Chuichi Date, former President of the House of Councillors of Japan, and the Hon. Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the United States House of Representatives.

Thank God, Trump cooperated with True Parent's vision for the Korean reunification. The Korean president too. It is not a coincidence that Rev. Paula White, spiritual advisor to President Donald Trump, gave her special remarks at True Mother's event. Didn't you notice that Trump used our video at the meeting in North Korea?

Note: Personally, I see several cases where the 'Q resistance' saved True Father's life. In some of the cases, by using the new secret technologies. Did the Cabal kill him at the end with their laboratory virus? I will not be surprised if the True Family separated only to protect the lineage, not to be wiped out by the Cabal. That's why is no good to criticize True Children. They are amazing individuals, and I love the fact that they all work for World Peace, in their own way.

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