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The Achievements of Rev. Moon for World Peace and Religious Unification

The Achievements of Rev. Moon for World Peace and Religious Unification


Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Church, dedicated his life to promoting world peace and religious unification. His efforts have left a lasting legacy through various organizations, initiatives, and personal endeavors. This report synthesizes key points from multiple sources to highlight Rev. Moon's significant contributions to these causes.

Legacy of Peace and Reconciliation

Family Movement and Intercultural Marriages

Rev. Moon and his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, built a legacy centered on family and intercultural unity.
  1. Family Movement: They established a family movement that emphasized peace and reconciliation, which became a cornerstone of their legacy 
  2. Marriage Blessing Ceremony: Through the Marriage Blessing Ceremony, they promoted intercultural and international marriages, bringing couples together across national and racial borders. This initiative was a significant step towards fostering global unity and understanding .
The Unification Church's Blessing tradition: a mass wedding ceremony.

Embracing Enemies and Combating Communism

Rev. Moon's personal experiences and political stances also played a crucial role in his peace efforts.
  1. Embracing Enemies: Rev. Moon was known for his ability to embrace his enemies, including Kim Il Sung, who had imprisoned him in a concentration camp for nearly three years. This act of forgiveness and reconciliation exemplified his commitment to peace .
  2. Anti-Communism Efforts: For 40 years, he actively combatted the spread of communism and even predicted the fall of the Soviet Union before it happened. His efforts were aimed at promoting freedom and peace worldwide .

Organizational Contributions

Founding of Peace Organizations

Rev. Moon founded numerous organizations dedicated to world peace and religious unification.
  1. Universal Peace Federation (UPF): UPF is an international and interreligious civil society organization that promotes religious freedom and supports United Nations projects related to peace education, family, and peacebuilding. It has organized several virtual gatherings that bring together thousands of world leaders based on shared values .
  2. Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP): Founded by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon in 1992, WFWP encourages women to actively promote peace in their communities and society at large. It has members in 143 countries and holds a consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) .
  3. Service For Peace (SFP): Established by Rev. Moon's third son, Hyun Jin Preston Moon, in 2001, SFP provides opportunities for young people to engage in community service and better themselves and their communities .

Interfaith and Scientific Dialogues

Rev. Moon also promoted interfaith dialogue and scientific collaboration as means to achieve peace.
  1. Interreligious International Peace Council (IIPC): Rev. Moon organized the Inaugural Assembly of the IIPC in New York City, aiming to revamp the United Nations with a faith-based approach to peace .
  2. International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS): ICUS, sponsored by the Hyo Jeong International Foundation on the Unity of the Sciences, focuses on environmental issues and promotes scientific collaboration for global betterment .

Global Influence and Political Engagement

Political and Diplomatic Efforts

Rev. Moon's influence extended into the political realm, where he sought to integrate his peace initiatives.
  1. United Nations Engagement: He developed a special relationship with political leaders, including the Bush family, and supported initiatives at the United Nations. For instance, the Philippines sponsored a Moon-backed resolution in the General Assembly, and discussions were held with President Bush about co-sponsoring the proposal .
  2. Faith-Based Path to Peace: Rev. Moon's faith-based approach to peace gained traction among leaders in Africa and the South Pacific, demonstrating the global reach of his initiatives .

Continuing Legacy

Since Rev. Moon's passing in 2012, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon has continued his work, furthering his vision for world peace.
  1. Mother of Peace: Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, known as the Mother of Peace, has carried on her husband's legacy by establishing a coalition of parliamentarians and religious leaders to create models for good governance and strengthen interfaith dialogue .
  2. Peace Rallies: She has completed two world speaking tours and expanded the "Peace Starts with Me" rallies, making them celebrated peace events in America .
Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Church.


Rev. Sun Myung Moon's achievements in promoting world peace and religious unification are vast and multifaceted. Through his family movement, intercultural marriage ceremonies, anti-communism efforts, and the founding of numerous organizations, he has left an indelible mark on the global quest for peace. His legacy continues through the ongoing efforts of his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, and the various organizations he established, ensuring that his vision for a peaceful and unified world lives on.

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The Second Advent and Rev. Sun Myung Moon

The Second Advent and Rev. Sun Myung Moon


Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Church, is a controversial figure who millions, not only followers, but also many renown religious leaders recognize to be the Second Coming of Christ. See, 
TRUMP'S KEYNOTE ADDRESS AT dr. Moon's  Rally of hope

See also:

We can say the respect he gets is mostly because of his vast achievements for World Peace, strengthening true family values and centuries of work to unify religious, political and social leaders for these end goals. Rev. Moon is know and respected by many for his KEY ROLE IN ENDING COMMUNISM. And truly, by his 'fruits' he was recognized as the 'Most successful religious leader of the 20th century.

Did you know: The Institute for the Study of World Religions named Dr. Moon's movement as, "The most successful new religion of the last century." In just 40-50 years, starting from the misery of the North Korean Concentration Camp, he expended the Unification Movement in 205 countries. One of the major success in his work for Peace, was that he successfully inspired and brought people and leaders of all faith and religion to work together for ending Communism and bringing World Peace. Read more

'But is there something more? What is the theological underpinnings of Moon's teachings? What he says of his messianic role, and how that relates with the doctrines of Christianity? What are the beliefs of his followers and how they understand that Messianic role?

In short, Unificationists see Jesus as the Messiah (Christ), who's mission was to rise us to all become Christ like - true, restored individuals, without sin. That's why for Unificationists each one of us has to fulfill the mission of a 'messiah' for his own family and tribe at least. They talk of National Messiahs, which is when overtakes such responsibility for a nation. Then there is the world level and finally the Cosmic level - when taking responsibility to liberate both physical world and the spiritual world.

Is Rev. Moon the Second Advent of Christ

1. What is the Messiah (Christ)

The concept of the Messiah if we follow the Biblical logic, is that Adam fell and thus his lineage fell under Lucifer's dominion and was separated from God. Jesus was born without this original sin, thus free of Lucifer's control. See, 

The Bible says, that even though Jesus was born spiritually below the angels, he grew up spiritually to dominate the angels. Thus Jesus could subjugate Satan and those who follow him could also be 'Reborn' and 'engrafted' into God's lineage. So if they accepted and followed him, God's Kingdom could be restored in Jesus' time. See, THE Mission of the MESSIAH

But did that happen? No! They failed to recognize and accept him. Instead they killed him. Jesus - the only 'true person', connected to God's Heart without Original Sin was no longer able to bring God's Kingdom substantially on Earth. Instead, his victory on the Cross opened the gates for 'Spiritual Salvation'. And Bible is clear, 'Full Salvation' including our physical body will be possible at the Second Advent of Christ. See, SECOND COMING OF CHRIST

That's why Jesus said in a message from the spirit world:

"Think about the circumstances that I could not be married even though I was 33. Think of how my 12 disciples and I often went hungry. My life was filled with grievances. Christians surmise that everything that happened to me was the will of God. However, think whether there was any responsibility on the part of human beings. I came as the Messiah and the Son of Man. As the begotten Son of God, I did my very best to fulfill my messianic mission, but I could not fully accomplish my dreams and desires. Had my will been entirely fulfilled, would it be necessary for me to return?" Message from Jesus from the Spirit World

So what according to the Bible did Jesus explain of the Second Advent? He clearly said, that a man will be born who is victorious like him and he (Jesus) will give him the same Messianic authority he received from the Father.

To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations— 'He will rule them with an iron scepter; he will dash them to pieces like pottery'— just as I have received authority from my Father. (Revelation 2:26-28)

As Jesus was anointed with the Messianic authority to rule the nation, meaning to be Christ-Messiah, which translated means "Anointed to rule", so is he going to "anoint" the Lord of the Second Advent with the same Mission. "Just as I have received... from my Father", promises Jesus to the prophet. See, Second Advent Through Birth

Bible we can understand that at the time of the Second Coming, Christ will be born on the earth. As predicted in Revelation 12:5,

A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth... She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne. (Revelation 12:5)

There is no other child that can have such direct connection to God, accept if it's being born sinless - the Messiah. In other words, when the second coming of Messiah comes, he will look different and even have a "new name". As stated in Rev. 19:12, "and bearing a new name that no one knew ... and his name was the word of God."

Surprisingly, the translation of the Korean name 'Moon' is "The Word of God given to Man."

Is Rev. Moon's assertion of being the Second Coming of Christ so central to the Unification Church's theology? First, they do not deny that Jesus is the Messiah. Second, it was Jesus who called Rev. Moon to finish that Messianic mission. 

Unificationists don't see him as replacing Jesus, but more as fulfilling what Adam and Eve failed to fulfil, which is establishing a 'True Family', becoming the first restored (liberated from Satan) "True Parents", who can restore God's lineage on Earth. What did Jesus revealed to the young Moon, at the age of 16? Jesus' biggest grief was that he was not accepted and couldn't create true family. 

"Early Easter morning, after I had spent the entire night in prayer, Jesus appeared before me. He appeared in an instant, like a gust of wind, and said to me, “God is in great sorrow because of the pain of humankind. You must take on a special mission on earth having to do with Heaven’s work.” That day, I saw clearly the sorrowful face of Jesus. I heard his voice clearly. The experience of witnessing the manifestation of Jesus caused my body to shake violently, like a quaking aspen’s leaves trembling in a strong breeze. I was simultaneously overcome with fear so great I felt I might die and gratitude so profound I felt I might explode." Read more

Jesus caried the true, sinless seed, but was unable to transmit God's lineage on earth. That's why humanity suffered for 2000 more years, unable to fulfill God's Ideal substantially on Earth.

Jesus told to the young Moon, to resolve the 3 great pains in God's Heart; (1) The lack of unity among his children - Christianity. (2) The fast expanding Atheism - Communism. (3) The unstoppable sexual demoralization of the youth. 

Rev. Moon did not care about title or glory, he dedicated all his life to liberate God's heart. He didn't say he is the only one to do that. He said we should all take that mission and work in unity to fulfil God's Ideal. Theological Basis: The Divine Principle, a 536-page book written by Moon, serves as the theological basis for the Unification Church. It outlines Rev. Moon's revelations and teachings.
Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Church.

Core Teachings: The Divine Principle makes it clear that the Lord of the Second Advent is not Jesus of Nazareth come again but a new figure who will accomplish what Jesus could not do.

Deepening the believes of Christianity: Rev. Moon has influenced Christianity through the new revelations shared in the Divine Principle, such as the suffering of God, the concept of God as both Heavenly Mother and Father, and the ideal of marriage and family .

Messianic Succession

Spiritual Event: Jesus' second coming would be just as the second coming of Elijah described in the Bible. Just as John the Baptist succeeded the mission and role of Elijah, the unfinished work of Jesus by bringing the physical salvation on the foundation of the spiritual salvation that Jesus had accomplished.

Completion of Mission: The Unificationists don't see the mission as a title of glory, but as a substantial task of liberating God and humanity, This task requires all of God's children to be restored to their original position, not a glorification of one man and dumping all others as sinful idiots in constant need of a savior. No! We are all created as God's children. We can stand up in our true position, stop be babies that need constant diaper-changing, and make our Heavenly Parent proud. Instead of selfishly looking for personal salvation, we are to stand up, liberate the mess done by the Fall, and bring joy to our Eternal Father and Creator. 
Rev. Moon successfully completed his providential mission on earth to establish that model and educate millions of families. He is not now gloriously enjoying in the Spirit World, but working even harder to liberate all the levels of Hell, Middle Spirit Word and Paradise, mobilizing all the good spirit world for the complete liberation of heaven and earth. See, 

Unification Church Practices and Beliefs

Salvation and Afterlife

The Unification Church has distinct beliefs regarding salvation and the afterlife. 

Salvation for All: As the Jesus spoke in parables God wants everyone eventually to be restored to his original position as He created him. Even Lucifer and the fallen angels need to return to their originally created good position. In 1999 Lucifer was forced to step out. In a message from the Spirit World dr. Lee describes his attempts to plead to God for forgiveness being faced with God's reproach: "You have to first resolve all the evil you have created and only then you can ask for forgiveness." See, Lucifer Repented: Forced to return to his original position
Work Correspondence: The church regards a person's salvation and actual position in the spirit world not as some title or momentarily received grace, but as the actual state of your spiritual growth, not depending just on teachings and believes but on your daily standard of life; what you have embodied, and what you have contributed, not to the church, but to God's providence. 

Blessing Ceremonies to Establish the Culture of Heart

The Unification Movement, correctly called, "the Family Federation" (FFWPU) is well-known for its international, interreligious mass Wedding Blessing Ceremonies, which are a central step in creating God's ideal peaceful world by creating a true and loving family. 400 million couples had received this Blessing. Participants include people from all races, nations, religious background and culture. They recognize it as their personal responsibility to create true families and establish the Culture of Heart, thus establishing World Peace; uniting the world as "One Family under God as our Parent."
The Unification Church's Blessing tradition: a mass wedding ceremony.


Rev. Sun Myung Moon's work and achievements have no comparison in the whole of human history. We can truly conclude that without God's absolute guidance and support that will be impossible. In a message from the spirit world, Jesus said:

"I came to Earth as the Messiah in the New Testament Age. What do you think is the meaning of the crucifixion? Do you really think that it was God's will from the beginning, or could it have been the result of human error? Have you thoroughly studied my life? ... The way of redemption through my crucifixion was not God's original intention.


Dear Christians and all people on Earth, please pray over this matter while fasting. Then I will appear to you and clearly tell you the truth. When you do it, you should be totally focused on praying with a pure heart. Reverend Sun Myung Moon is the one who came to Earth to complete my mission that was not fulfilled through the redemption of the cross. He comes as the True Parent to conclude God's providence in the Completed Testament Age." 

How could you understand the intricacies of the providence, when so much was not recorded in the Bible? ... You cannot understand all the secrets that have been veiled during the providence of restoration. 

Reverend Sun Myung Moon is the returning Messiah for whom you have been waiting and waiting. He inherited my mission at the age of 16. Dear Christians, are you still looking up and waiting for Christ to return on the clouds? Reverend Moon travels throughout the world on the clouds. He is investing all of his heart and soul for the realization of world peace. Even today... he is fighting on the frontline.

Are you going to hang him on the cross again, like the Romans who persecuted me 2,000 years ago? ... Please receive the Messiah who has descended in the Completed Testament Age. Do not reject his achievements and his dispensation for the salvation of humanity. Pray with sincerity. I, Jesus, will be with you in your earnest prayers." Message from Jesus about Rev. Moon





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